Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The most noble men and women stars

 Is to focus on the entertainment circles as one of the dudes and babes, with aristocratic star, emotions will not work in color, others calm and neither cold nor warm, has a unique personality, there is no upstart coursing between gestures everywhere was elegant! let cooeye contact lens expert with the following to see what we have this potential star qualities.
nine body is beautiful just like a princess Pace posture, no matter what clothes to wear on stage giving a total impressive momentum, the feeling of great pressure of Taiwan!
double actress Li Bingbing is also more and more gas fields and the momentum, and among the highlights of her simply gorgeous, gorgeous without being Loss of extravagance. Bingbing this elegance of her dress when the participate in various party can see the obvious!
Tony would have never seen angry against journalists, both before Carina Lau is on is Africa and Africa. Tony Leung who is not only the electric eye charm, his calm and quiet elegance is beyond the ordinary!
reprint please indicate: Monopoly
contact lenses from COOEYE

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