Thursday, February 10, 2011

Big love to do the Chinese people with grace (to)

 Extremely tragic Wenchuan earthquake has not elaborate further. It gives the impact of the living world, not only fellow emotional grief, moved true feelings, as well as inspection of social cooperation on economic, political, cultural and even International Relations, is a continuous process of appearing. When our nation emotional cohesion of the people, the fight against disasters, whether from a single out of the tragic atmosphere, to a more rational understanding of the more calm are in the stage, related to the arrival of yet another historic opportunity.
yesterday, in the State Council Information Office news conference, a reporter asked, and now there is a multinational online criticism of foreign donors in the disaster relief is not active or very stingy, how to assess whether it is true? Commerce Minister Chen Deming said that the Chinese people made initial achievements in earthquake relief, there is strong international support for assistance and international friends, including the foreign-funded enterprises in China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan enterprises, etc., so would like to thank them. Chen also said that the so-called the mood of this great disaster, they want more international organizations, foreign and domestic enterprises to participate in donation activities, provide more money to help them, but the premise of the donor is voluntary, we must respect every natural and legal persons rights.
We believe that such words Minister of Commerce Chen Deming response is quite rational and gentlemanly. Wenchuan earthquake caused by the pain of this world, this time the Chinese people have been unforgettable. No Chinese people do not feel distress was understood to be a valuable and important help. However, our emotional pain to seek to understand the material difficulties to seek help, can not rely on coercion or blackmail the sympathy of others to achieve. to seek more rational to give up the name of love , and the other to give the name of reason, as are the national interests and social civilization and the great harm. Chen's response, have a clear self-respect and insight, but also has valuable goodwill and honesty. It is such a grace, so that we get more respect.
recall all since the earthquake, the Chinese people's unity and mutual assistance has been an unprecedented expression. We have to show their national spirit and the modern image was pleased, in a more difficult post-disaster reconstruction process, hoping to produce a more satisfactory answer. but at the same time, was the impact of our grief, the performance is not entirely satisfactory. the people, the , KFC and other foreign situation. This makes the outside of the moral impulse to blame the Chinese people a negative impression, but also exceeded the legal bottom line, directly infringes the legitimate rights and interests of foreign companies. No matter the moral or legal, is the image of China a loss of points.
this truth quite plain. feelings of Chinese people has always been close family and nation is difficult to distinguish, in this analogy, the earthquake is like its own distress, are fortunate shot Xiangbang neighborhood friends, of course, be thankful , even if it was thousands of miles just to send goose feather, our ancestors would say, it is brotherhood ceremony light weight, still have to treat it. ceremonies of this tradition, that even among the living in hardship, we must maintain a treat others the sense of balance. if only to enlarge their own family's grief turned to disregard grace, shot his friends is not enough criticism and generous neighbors, who were despised inevitable gaffe.
back speaking, traditional etiquette not to balance home and country , but just based on the concept of the modern view of social rights, foreign aid donor to treat some of this attitude can hardly be convincing. charitable contributions, based on the principle of voluntary, no coercion and coercion are immoral. donate and do not donate, is a right of individuals or organizations. the exercise of this right, of course, will bring different social evaluation, but no interference by law regards sanctions, or penalties incurred rallied together to impact. the right principle is the core concept of modern society, if not respect for rights, the foundation of social order rather offensive, but also to seek temporary name of love can be, this love, how can society afford?
Chinese style and the Chinese manner, not a vanity thing, but We reflected on the world stage of civilization details. all the scenes since the earthquake, let us see the spirit of a dead nation, demonstrated unprecedented unity of the national will and courage. but we still have to self-examination, whether the rise of the Olympic Games is a big country the advent of big joy, or the country suffer the anguish, suffering Shengmin, we always need to do is love the Chinese people with grace. this point, there is no better time than now resonate with our hearts.

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