Thursday, February 24, 2011

Abolition of preferential interest rates banks ignore the agreement, said after the tightening of credit lines

 Year mortgage lending rate to get joy, only banks and other lenders repossession, years after the tightening of bank credit lines against the grounds of price, interest rate more than ten million out of thin air.

bank said it was quite upset after the tightening of credit lines. Although the tightening of credit lines the day after the Bank does not that better, can not this is a legitimate reason to breach it?

Wang year lending rate to get a mortgage, originally thought to pay less interest, may be years after the tightening of bank credit lines to the ground, so she signed the Supplemental Agreement, the abolition of discount, which means that Ms. Wang to pay more interest on more than ten million. Yesterday, members of the public tip lines to the reporter Ms. Wang said she met with people with similar minority.

Bank of conflict of interest against price
more hundreds of thousands

Wang bought in the house late last year to bridge Ren Feng Shipai a state-owned banks for building a 70 million loan.

September 26 last year, Wang signed a contract with the bank, because it is the first time home buyers, and pay more than 40% down, the bank gave her a discount rate of 7.5 fold, and stated in the contract interest rate levels in the benchmark interest rate cut of 25%. The next day, Ms. Wang has signed with the bank,

for the above formalities, Ms. Wang on November 23 last year and sold for a transfer with Miss Fang Zhuang. However, just go to work after New Year a few days, banks suddenly informed her that, because lenders tighten credit, the bank made the loan interest rate adjustment, according to Ms. Wang is also the benchmark interest rate loans. Wang forget about the abolition of preferential interest rates, she should pay more interest on more than ten million.

project has to change bank loans is difficult

reporter joined a discount rate to adjust the composition of the QQ group of victims, hundreds of members inside.

in the QQ group, there is a rebellion that prospective owners this year, early January, he apply for a loan to a bank nearly 50 million, when the staff verbally that the discount of 8.4 fold, so he and the bank signed an agreement But the agreement did not cut interest rates provisions. Soon after, he received the same loan-to-book, then do the transfer procedures.

2 19, the bank suddenly called him and said to cancel the discount rate, the benchmark interest rate to pay interest in accordance with the.

the prospective owners, said: the project.

can not get loans repossession sight

Wang found many banks, a staff member surnamed Chen told her line of credit is very tight now, banks can only give the high lending interest rates, it is difficult to ensure that further cash discount rate.

staff surnamed Chen said, many people give up the prime rate, signed a supplemental agreement, even if Wang is now 签补充协议, it may have to queue.

Ms. Wang and selling the contract, the loan transferred to the seller account, the buyer can acquire the properties, Ms. Wang is now a dilemma, if you do not give up the prime rate, do not know when to borrow, the day the loan not included in the seller account on the day she can not be repossession.

adjustment in the discount rate
QQ group of victims who told reporters rebellion worse prospective owners, he said he agreed with the seller, if the February 28 can not be credited to the section, he paid a day 6% penalty. Difficult to accept his anti-bank prices, and buy a house without such contracts, he really did not know how to safeguard their rights.

bank statement

years after the tightening of credit lines

who give interest loans to who

Yesterday, a reporter yesterday, Bank staff, this year the central bank raised the deposit reserve ratio, many banks have tightened credit lines, in this environment, banks have to give high interest rate loan program lending, or cancel the amount of discounted interest rates to make prices. Currently, the first set of basic abolished preferential lending, lending interest rates go up two sets maintained at 1.1 times the benchmark rate.

apply for loans in the bank, staff said that she signed the agreement with the bank interest rate adjustments, there is a clause stating that the lender the right to the People's Bank of China's new interest rate adjusted within the range of choice of a rate standard. Bank lending is not yet final, so can the final interest rate when lending standards to determine lending rates.

reporter then contact the Banking Bureau of Guangdong, the staff said it was a dispute between borrowers and banks, rely on the two sides coordinate and solve, the borrower may also reflect the situation in writing to him, the Banking Board will deal with in accordance with regulations.

Related Links

Shenzhen Banking Regulatory Bureau

Bank of anti-price illegal

Shenzhen major banks have to loan interest rates years after the anti-price, at 14 o'clock on February 22, nearly 80 finally high-level dialogue with the council, complaining about preferential interest rates 8.5 fold commitment to anti-price issues.

representative of the Shenzhen Banking Regulatory Bureau said that the current interviews with the four major state-owned banks have branches in Shenzhen, the four branches of an oral commitment to continue to fulfill the agreed discount rate of 8.5, where there are 8.5 off the written evidence (including a blank contract) buyers, can continue to enjoy preferential policies.

Shenzhen Banking Bureau also said that a unilateral lifting of bank discount rate is the violation, the Banking Council undertake to monitor the banks compliance. The council said it would urge the banks in Shenzhen in February and 3 months to recover payments lenders priority positions and mortgage payment, but did not give priority to payment of that mortgage customers discount rate of 8.5, thus lending time not determined. However, the council's announcement that the line should be accepted as soon as possible after purchase loans meet the loan conditions demand, particularly demand for loans is the first suite.

text / reporter Jing Lin

Figure / intern reporter Yang Qin Luo Feng known photo

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