Monday, February 14, 2011

Hazy exploration Xixi

 May 5, family and friends went to Hangzhou Xixi Wetland as the only rare in the city of Hangzhou secondary wetlands, has always been strictly controlled number of tourists to protect the natural environment of wetlands, but unfortunately after the number of visitors to to properly protect and easy.
their development in the past did not go once, after the completion of wetland protection has been no time, but this also forget their own wishes.
cloudy day, to wetlands is increasingly under the rain, beating, we travel Xixi rain, hazy taste displayed in front of me!
(from network) located in Hangzhou Xixi National Wetland Park West, not from the West Lake 5 km,
rich ecological resources here, pristine natural landscape, rich cultural heritage, has worked with the West Lake, Hangzhou Xiling saying wetlands, cultural wetlands in one of the National Wetland Park.
1, odd expensive tickets, bought tickets for that rainy day after the order is indeed inconvenient to walk, only to spend 40 yuan / person's ticket to fly and the attractions the

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