Thursday, February 17, 2011

Linda closer look at United States - the power to bind the State (Jampa Zhuantie on education about human nature ...

 Linda: closer look at United States - the power to bind the State
Lu brother: Hello!
Very happy to hear from you. You have noticed, I am in front of the letter, often referred to Supreme Court decision. the United States Supreme Court in the end when you play in the implementation of the Constitution and what role? It also established by the Constitution from the United States about the government structure.
you must remember that the founders of the United States for the establishment of a large state machine always great concerns, can not be sure they have the ability to grasp it before, not the federal government would rather choose the first. Americans are still in high school textbooks, the predecessors of these contradictions to tell their younger generation:
; write the U.S. Constitution are those who have experienced anti-British war, and they can not easily forget how a king in power, take away people's rights. they remember those tax laws, and how the soldiers do not like the case of arrest to search their home. On the other hand, they have found that the government is too weak, there would be no law and order. For these reasons. They are given for the establishment of the new government some very careful thinking, these ideas in their Two hundred years later, still guide us. We should know that their these ideas. . that is, the federal government and separate the powers of local government. Of course, all countries have the central government and local governments, two, there is nothing rare. But in the United States, this division is very thorough. That is, The establishment of the federal government, and they have no intention to stay at the helm of a start and put this idea in the form of legislation set down in the Constitution. One thing I would like to stress that U.S. law enforcement very seriously, especially the Constitution, You will find the top of every word is a workable one.
result, it causes the start of U.S. policy in a variety of situations is not uniform. It is therefore the image of the disunity. For example, in slavery issue, the United States beginning early in the North and South is a vast difference. American South is a traditional agricultural states, the slave has been low-skilled labor force in agriculture an important part of the north to large industries, there is a need skilled workers, the different economic background, the formation of the concepts are different. But the United States places a high degree of autonomy, resulting in the line being to the situation. America before the abolition of slavery, the South's slaves had been fleeing to the north, the United States 100 years ago After the Civil War, federal legislation allowed slavery, but Southern states still have apartheid to approach, but also caused a large number of blacks flocked to the northern industrial city, well before the desegregation in the Civil Rights Act, blacks have been singing folk songs the direct elections of local people go up, and the federal government has nothing to do. the state level, and even municipal levels of government and head, is always reluctant to consider the central government or the president or their impression. Instead, they are always very worried the image of their voters how, trying to him the voters said they are taking into account the interests of local people. Otherwise, the next election he would definitely not on to. So, in the United States, central and local confrontational situation never have, and all the people that this is normal, they also have got used to the situation in constant co-ordination.
So, in the United States, sometimes some very strange for us to look at things . For example, California state government against the U.S. federal government, require significant compensation. because the junction of California and Mexico, from Mexico every day large numbers of illegal immigrants coming in, according to U.S. law, whether or not illegal immigrants, there are some Americans think is the most basic things or they must be provided free of charge, such as emergency medical assistance and youth education. In this way, illegal immigrants not only bring a lot of problems in California, also added a great financial burden. California Government confidently to court to sue the federal government did not keep good boundaries, because the border is the federal government keep it. California Government, precisely because the federal government did not hold territory, California, has caused many problems caused by the loss of illegal immigrants, so , of course, to the federal government for compensation.
1964, Congress passed the federal civil rights laws to prohibit racial segregation anywhere in the country. South several states very angry, not only because it was in the American South is still a strong racist feelings, but , but also because the state government at this level that the federal legislation is in violation of the autonomy of the southern states, first governor of Alabama are not allowed to take the lead coming out of the black students into white schools. result, President Kennedy sent the National Guard to escort black Students go to school. in the South Georgia, is the year I said earlier, a few adhere to one of the apartheid state, the state legislature in order to express contempt for the federal government to pass legislation in their own states, the then Yugoslav Army during the Civil War flag flag pattern into the state, decided to form the state flag of their powers, the federal government has no right to interfere.
30 years later, the United States has also been great changes in the South, when black students stood in front of the school blocked governor of Alabama, has grown old. he still remembers them for their own behavior then apologize to the public, although we have already forgiven him. Atlanta, Georgia has been the capital of the black mayor, the city also It is an international slogan, has been the 1996 Olympic Games. the Democratic governor, Miller felt that this side of the historical reasons it is detrimental to the state flag of the state's image in the world, to amend. However, this proposal caused a strong local reaction. Civil War, Americans always there examination. They feel the occurrence of civil war seems more and more pain. In fact, when the war is only freed the slaves a very small part of the reason, mainly south of the demand for greater autonomy or even separation. now in the United States could not have anybody to show off the victory of the North Army, whether south or north, are firstly that the siblings of this farm killings, is a tragedy in American history, which is today the U.S. for home and the ideal of devotion, in the South, you can see everywhere, died in the war memorial monument to the Confederate soldiers in Atlanta Stone Mountain Park, the famous single, large single Rock Hill is on the Yugoslav Army generals carved in relief. When Miller When the governor proposed to change the flag, many people opposed, but the race issue has been deposited on the bottom, have been proposed on the grounds that the Yugoslav Army flag in the South part of the historical heritage, there is no need to change. Finally, the governor confident Miller outnumbered, automatic cancellation of the proposal. So far, the side where the state flag still flying.
this year's UN 50th anniversary celebrations, is an unexpected thing out. As the United Nations building in New York City, Mayor for the world to participate in the celebration of the Heads of State held a concert. However, before the opening, Mayor of New York actually makes the Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat to years, because in the Arab countries and Israel conflict, the U.S. government has been at the side of Israel, therefore, the Palestine Liberation Organization has always been hostile to the United States as a party, and their guerrilla activities there are some plant bombs like the assassinations, the murder of United States there are a lot of people. Therefore, the Western world in a long time, has been to Arafat and his organization as a terrorist look. You know, the last two years of the Middle East peace process, not only the two heads of the parties in the concepts and actions have been great advances, both received the Nobel Peace Prize, the United States has become a mediator for peace. to just take the first step in the peace, all relationships are not very stable, we certainly want take the opportunity to deepen mutual relations together, at least not to see what was wrong. he met a New York City Mayor This concert is not welcome to him. The results, to really put him to looking for a long time, I could not find any basis for the punishment of the mayor, he did is not illegal. This is the concert held in New York City, the mayor is the owner, is in his possession of the site, even Bill Clinton were invited guests. of course, here is the mayor of the final say. Clinton, in addition to apologize on behalf of himself, he even said he could not apologize on behalf of New York City, because he did not represent New York City, he was not the right .
the United States in addition to the horizontal division of power, the Constitutional power of the national government also cut three from the vertical. This is you knew the independent. you know, Montesquieu on the separation of powers have been systematically discussed. When the United States in the implementation of separation of powers, are particularly thorough. the Constitution of such a design, a branch of which is to prevent excessive power large. So, always make the action of each branch must be the other branches of the test. For example, Congress as a legislative body passed a bill the president can be expressed as an administrative agency does not agree, and the exercise of his power of veto, if Congress adhere to two-thirds of the votes must be established in this law. On the contrary, the President's bill must be voted by Congress, Congress can also be opposed. and as part of the Supreme Court of Justice the right of the President and congressional review of any proposed bill, then it is not only to interpret the bill, and have declared that these laws are unconstitutional powers. However, the Supreme Court itself has no power to introduce bills and legislation. These three powers branches of this state, that is, the balance of power and constraints.
above mentioned method is the major constraint, in fact, there are many other constraints. such as the U.S. Congress have the right under the premise of sufficient grounds to impeach President and the judges. no one can eat on the election of assurance, that is, during the term, not necessarily insurance, members of Congress as well. Congress has specifically established ethics committee. This year, the U.S. Congress Committee on the Federal Budget President because of scandal, by the Ethics Committee of the tracing, was forced to resign. the president's every move is also under the supervision of the public. There is a President Clinton called Of course, it is best to give people who like to write a reply. the letter of the task is too heavy, the White House to have a person dedicated to ; socks, , except for some foreign addition to national defense secrets are generally open. And it's vote on various issues is also open. is that every Member of various issues, voted in favor of or against, can not conceal his voters. lawmakers speech in Congress, the law provides the American people have the right to request to Congress. In addition, the entire hearing process by a special live broadcast television channels. When we first got here and found that this channel is strange, often very late also broadcast a congressional hearing, as is work time, lawmakers also work, in addition to host and almost no one listened to the clerk, an assembly hall were empty, that statement Members still be there forever. This is because the major issues filled the agenda of the day, if there are members of the comments on various issues, you can only row in the evening. But he was not in the White said, In addition to the record, his constituents can be on TV to know his attitude.
, of course, sounds very idealistic blueprint, when you want to put into practice is not easy. said the United States in the discussion When the Constitution to meet the number of representatives each state how to determine the problem. in Congress on behalf of a Member State of the amount, of course, directly affect the interests of the state to vote for the success or failure. In the United States, when the number of big states and small states are very different large proportion of the population according to decided if the number of Members, not reflect the interests of small states; if shared equally, each state is the same regardless of the size of the quota of the number of large states also feel a disadvantage. is also a dispute over the beginning, and finally they finally reached a compromise, agreed to the U.S. Congress to take such a form: it's the House of Representatives to determine the proportion of the number of members, and its state regardless of the size of the Senate, two members of each state to identify the interests of small states are also protected. reached such a compromise is not easy, it is called in American history to a compromise with such an adjective, but the Americans really very grateful for their predecessors to compromise this time, this requires a high degree of rational compromise is the spirit of wisdom and moral strength. They reach a compromise, only the implementation of the Constitution of the United States Constitution and the possibility that you can not call it a great historical progress. This progress is from the beginning of compromise. The real historical progress often begins with a compromise, if you do not compromise each other, can make history for many years along with a stalemate . If the other party to subdue a strong, long-term historical perspective, is not necessarily a real historical progress.
the text of the U.S. Constitution, not made for over 200 years the word change, and its basic content is very stable . it increased the content of more than three thousand amendments have been proposed, but, so far, the U.S. Congress just passed the 26 amendments to the Constitution.
If you want to truly understand the United States, there is a very important point is that the U.S. is a very loose understanding of the country . you sometimes find that it has many conflicting references and practices, because it is the result of separation of powers. who had set up this system is to achieve a effect. Americans in addition to protection of the Constitution is about the same, little else is the same goal. So the diplomatic front, the United States often behave as change and conflict, because the American people is changing, the president and Congress often have different views. the U.S. Congress to pass any resolution, the President is simply unable to manage the.
U.S. president must issue their own are often a number of the American people that he must ;. Learn hand down such a heavy penalty, will leave lifelong scars subside, when torture is also very painful. Because this guy got into trouble is not the adult, this decision for the American culture is much too far off the mark, so , a large number of Americans can not accept this decision. Then President Clinton to the Government of Singapore and therefore change the decision of the requirements. At the time, I asked my good friend What do you think Mike is his clever smile in his eyes, asked Road, the law does distinguish between an American? only to form the state, had no choice, he must be accountable before the voters have in the past.
in the United States, the president is the president, Congress, Congress, the President did not invite, the Speaker of Parliament went to the White House can not go themselves. President accepts invitation to Congress delivered a speech to the Parliament House is a rare occurrence. the president has the president's views, the views of Congress with the Congress, once elected president four years, House of Representatives elections are held for two years, elected a Senator six years, round of the reshuffle. different president have different views, different combinations of Congress have different views, not to say foreign policy, domestic and could not agree on a budget, the Government still closed.
believed that this year the U.S. Government business referred to the approval of such a mutual restraint procedures. disagree with the Congress if the president's budget, Congress does not agree with the president of the White House budget, the trouble begins. If Congress can force through a two-thirds of the votes, the President according to the Congressional Budget had money, but this time, Congress can not get two-thirds affirmative vote, so he created a stalemate. stalemate can not get money to the government, therefore, extremely necessary in addition to government agencies, are turned off for the rest. closing period coincides with Christmas, the White House Christmas tree, the state to pay the electricity bill regardless of the president to take care of his salary starting a tree a country is how absurd it seems, for the United States is in the normal range, the office of the president and then there is no way to face. The problem is that people are not accustomed to this state, the Americans themselves are very used to it, complete a vice, and the views of Congress have been no differences, Americans may either ease. But if this situation reflects the United States to foreign dealings with the above, calling for a mess. people come to the top of the protests are, and Americans do not understand what the key problem is in place.
talking about the U.S. government to close, there is an interesting episode. television interview when the government closed a number of American children, ask them what the views on the Government to close a children naturally say, they (the President and Members) took a salary but do not work, should they give fired. a matter of course the education.
first came, I do not believe that Congress really did not listen to the president do? see much, and not fuss. Moreover, the dispersion of power in addition to the above, the United States also There are many independent force. America is a private ownership of the country, the state is no money in the enterprises and companies of the kind of things. social entrepreneurs a lot of their own decisions is a force to be reckoned with, in addition to the Congress by establishing for the enemy's country, other countries, the U.S. government can not simply set a policy to go dark for them to contain the simple reason that the U.S. government has no right to limit its business people to go to these countries to expand investment and trade. In addition, American society was also a variety of interest groups, social organizations, for example, on behalf of the elderly, on behalf of ethnic minorities, on behalf of women, on behalf of doctors, on behalf of workers, hh, etc., and so on. They are all Bill of Rights under the protection of legal existence, they also form the constraints of the Government forces, the President is also untouchable. At the same kinds of social forces themselves are checks and balances to achieve a result. Therefore, since the United States is not a down the system, which is cast of the plane. At first glance, quite a mess, but precisely because they have long-term coexistence and mutual restraint, so instead set up a special two hundred years, despite the waves of migration intensified, the United States seems to have become the world's center of population movements, however, you and I imagine it should be chaotic, when in fact they have been very orderly, this and a stable state structure should be separated.
the United States Supreme Court, what is like? Court is the supreme principle of judicial independence, it does not depend on who and who does not help, who do not listen, can be said to be high above. the Supreme Court is composed of nine judges. The nine judges nominated by the President, appointed by Congress, and Supreme Court judges are appointed for life. Perhaps you may ask, since the Justice is appointed by the President, then they will tend the president is not it? The problem is that, although the judge is unchanged, but the president is always changing, his term of office is four years, a maximum of two consecutive terms . There are many U.S. President in their short four years, there is no judge retired, they did not have the opportunity to appoint one of his Court is too conservative and want more in their own term of office, the appointment of two judges, however, has not so much retirement, so he suggested that the number of judges to the Supreme Court, from 9 to 12. results are not succeed, He had thought he was spared, the things he wants to law to cover the Supreme Court, the more obscure the more eluded capture, and finally had to resign. there was a Supreme Court justice years later is still said that his biggest regret of Health Nixon did not put in jail. Recently, President Clinton's Supreme Court, the newspaper said Whitewater had more and more like Watergate. can be seen today, the president and the Supreme Court has not the possibility of collusion.
even if the presidential nomination, the candidate of the Justice must also be complete in all respects by the afford the test. such as the first black Justice Thomas was nominated to the post by the office. took office after the judge, must also be in all respects, propose bills and pass legislation without the power. But, they have the legal right to interpret the United States, in particular the right to interpret the Constitution. precisely because of the power of interpretation in their hands, therefore, announced a bill or a local court the power of decision is a violation of the Constitution, but also their hands. decision is adopted by the nine judges voted, but all the judges, including a sentence of a dissenting included, should be on handled their case every bill or write a reviews, these reviews are archived as a historical document. Therefore, to view these judges comments, not only to understand the history of the United States, but also, we can see that the U.S. Constitution recognized the knowledge advances.
time to see these American judges comments, you can see ideas, wisdom and power of reason. you can see, in different historical stages, the U.S. Justice were also subject to different historical limitations, however, the extent they may be, they have done our best to make rational thinking. This is not just because of the reputation of their own future in which they also take into account, they often establish the United States is social see it is very colorful, very emotional. But on the root cause of it, but you can see, it is a high degree of rationality in the governance and management of the country. Meanwhile, the political openness are basically out of it not a person can in front of friends, at the meeting, or even stand on the street directly above point of view to be protected, nor is it in his diary that he can safely write letters in their true feelings, but publications in the public express their views, which is to further the freedom of the press. It is the key to free pre-screening system. It makes me think of another one of Oklahoma bombing episode.
the efficiency of the United States in this explosive news case is evident. when the explosion occurred, a radio, a female reporter went something happened near the scene of the accident. She had just stopped to heard a loud noise, then saw the front window of a church not far from flying out scattered a shower of broken glass as a roof to her. Her first reaction is: God! the Chapel of the gas tank exploded. but when she drilled the car, only to find a little far braved some of the fires are concentrated Federal Building smoke. She immediately realized that this is the real source of the explosion. career-sensitive journalists immediately rushed back to her car picked up her mobile phone ran out toward the scene, while the radio shouted: ! Let me broadcasting! do not know what thing, how to report it? is very simple to see what she is, what is reported. She told us she saw the first federal building in fire smoke, and then gradually close to the scene with her, she reported casualties, the ambulance , interview witnesses. that is, the incident at the same time, very detailed report on the radio on the air simultaneously. I was listening to this paragraph, really admire the quality of the female news reporter. calm down a thought, tell the truth if it were not on duty who act decisively radio connected to her, only she does not also have the role of pre-screening system. in the United States broadcast television, only a similar pre-screening and restrictions, that is broadcast, sometimes hear . What about the to erase the the sentence, but everyone knows what it is. because that keep people in there to do pre-screening, he had only the power to erase a word. you must be very curious about it? What then? actual on a very simple, we all know it is a bad language.
Having said that 5 seconds behind the pre-screening limit, it is not a law, it is the management of radio and television a provision of the Federal Communications Commission. This Article time is not long, but we all know, in China from the U.S. pop star Madonna. Everyone knows that to win she is a surprisingly, does not speak until they amazing guy. She told a live interview, the famous phrase from a string of dirty words rolling out of her mouth, so we feel unbearable. Thus, it had the felt unable to tolerate, it may be that they made statements against each other the motivation, however, does not mean that this proposal can therefore set up.
said freedom of speech is a right, but there is one, is that you can not force others to listen, that is, you can not infringe someone else. Therefore, the films in the United States, where the tape on television, it can have bad language, for example, we see a group of well-known in the United States, the description of the Vietnam War film, At that time the soldiers on the battlefield in order to show the real situation, the frequency of bad language which is very high. film head for the offensive, violent, and so the situation has required notice, if you do not want to see, you can choose not to see. like three K of the party's program, have the right to hate him do not look at this channel, which can not constitute infringement. but watch and listen to the live broadcast of the program, it is impossible to predict and prevent Madonna's swearing they Lianpian violations, therefore, there recently generally accepted, charged with official news of lawsuits in this area very few restrictions, but officials seek to restrict information in the event of a case, is always big enough to cause vibration. As another interesting example below, you will certainly be surprised. I sometimes really incredible that this country, and its confused race, content rich, so you feel it is an always stocked with books, it often accidentally send you a surprise, you're here for whatever reason may be disappointed but will not because of monotonicity.
that is roughly 15 years ago, a man named Ha Wade. Mo blue Americans to write an article, a very interesting beginning.
mm learned a secret and the other four of a hydrogen bomb by the United States the country of manufacture highly guarded secret. not because I hope that India, Israel, or South Africa, Pakistan, from me to get the hydrogen bomb more quickly, although these data are useful to them hh to build a basic point: In the atomic age, in the manufacture of secrecy itself is a political climate of help to those terrible weapons production to be protected, and become permanent. particularly those by a few experts in the conservative means restricted the authority of the secret, even more so. ; progress,

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