Sunday, December 19, 2010

(ZT) phase of the planet and the transit (1)

 United -
Sun on transit
even when your small, personal success and achievement will be very important. You want to be friends among the stars and they value the object. You do not measure the standard of its own success intrinsic value but because you feel the impact of outsiders. This level usually means that you will achieve social success, but you have to pay for its efforts; that success will not fall into your own head.
For the control of your life you will have great demand. when you grow up, you will work hard to call the shots in a career for himself. You are independent and do not want men to do things in other people, these small time in your will cause some trouble. because you feel like you know better than the boss, so you may resist your control them.
If this rebellion has been established as a model for personal success difficult to come, success You can not do without the help of others. To you, to avoid the pride is a big issue, because that would alienate other people. However, if you were young you are willing to learn from others and to focus all efforts will be useful for the development of skills, then you are likely to be very important for their own things. so, you know you want to do and how to instruct others. you can complete their mission so that others like as you complete your mission.
in early childhood, a similar effect from the father is important to you.
Moon conjunct transit
your feelings are very strong, you are also very sensitive to the feelings of others. what happens when your childhood on your future life will have a strong impact, so your child's attitude towards life and mode of formation of your adult difficult to change. The idea of your childhood to your chosen career, you are likely to be greatly affected.
your mother on the impact of your chosen career is bigger than your father. so if the relationship between you and the mother is not good, in your lifetime is likely to cause psychological problems, and these will work and goals with your to a very bad influence. you really need emotional support for her.
careful not to easily believe that the world will certainly take care of you. you may receive a lot of help from others, especially women, however, and other Like, you have to work to good use to help root. you are good at and the public to get along, because you can make people feel that you belong to them. You have a very sincere sympathy, especially those who can evoke your childhood memories of the people.
indicates that the phase in your career, you may serve the public or large groups of people to work together. your job may include: taking care of people, the advertising industry or related industries and the public.
Mercury conjunct transit
the phase means that you may have can help you get a very agile mind success. in your very young, you're clear and objective scholars view the world, and you will learn to use out ways to communicate with your age. In you grow up you may or may not be intellectual, but you will keep their brains, often looking for thrills and exciting experience. because you can not stand the boredom, so you will from time to time disturbed.
your most important issue is to become more discipline, so you can focus on one task, and from receiving benefits. a potential risk that you are interested in any subject are superficial.
Another less serious but very big problem is that you tend to not thinking through your feelings to deal with the outside world. This will prevent you from real life exposure to certain experiences, such as love and beauty feeling, because for these, you can get just by thinking. Again, thinking of you and can not really come into contact with other people. unless, as the development of your mind as the development of your emotions, or you will feel lonely, feeling out the outside world the contact.
active thinking through you, you and others will be open for the sake of practical jokes. This is good, but only hurt those who care to be sensitive to people than you.
Venus transit
the phase means you are full of love and friendship of others, but that you will automatically go from the road, and will only attract those who can follow you. people like you because you can do yourself, without taking into account How can I do to please.
this phase may also mean that you have considerable artistic ability, although in the birth chart, there should be other signs to confirm this. Of course, you enjoy and appreciate the beautiful, and you have the ability to the beautiful into your daily life.
you like peace and harmony, and can get along well with others. No matter where, you can create peaceful atmosphere. the relationship between you and your parents like, and Other seniors, such as the relationship between teacher and baseball owners. you and the ability to get along with others in the core elements of your advice is true, to be fair to others.
phase may indicate that such a career, which includes the art and beauty, or interpersonal relationships, and even if people can easily work together. or your career in the entertainment industry in some areas, in these areas you can make people feel very comfortable, the atmosphere rise. No matter what kind of job, You can easily get along with the ability of people are important to ensure your success.
Mars transit
together a little of your time, formed by his own firm determination to do whatever. You will be make a decision quickly, and usually know what is the objective to complete. If someone tries to stop you, you will be very angry because you think you are the only one who knows what is right for you and what is wrong people. and ultimately will prove that you are right. but when you were young, you'd better not be so stubborn but listen to the views of others. You do not have to do according to their orders, but at least listen to the hearing.
However, you are not only strong-willed; you will put yourself and your things to do as one. If someone questions your actions, you will think it is questioning your own. You have to realize that you than the sum of all your actions should be large, and when your decision was questioned, he was not questioning you.
this phase indicates that when you grow up you have to choose one that you can be very independent and will spend a lot of physical work. If you work for someone else, you will often feel you are a competitor and not an employee, and if you do not like the boss to give you to set the rhythm, you will feel very angry and hostility. In team, you will not be in your case the best, probably except for sports teams. for athletes, Mars is very common in this phase; but is also in a team sport you need to have the opportunity to show their happiness.
Jupiter Transit
you want to get a successful careerist, but not for yourself, but the whole world belongs to you. When you were young will express it as a kind of interest, and some of these things people would be a big topic of concern. you wide range of interests include: religion, geography, and even politics and government. In school, you may participate as students in the Student Union and a small head. but they will therefore respect you, because you know you want to speak in their own benefit but also feel the responsibility of people around.
If you are too small when any form of religious education, will you have a huge impact, these Education will be with you life. The result is your moral standards higher than most people. You will always focus on doing the right thing in itself, without relating to your loss. In fact, a lot of people into the theology department of the stars This figure can be seen on the phase. If you are not under theological education, then you will develop their own religion, and these will have the same effect. you want your life often represent the highest and best values: honor, integrity, respect and truth. Even if you can not as you wish to support these principles, you will respect them. and once the criteria for your blasphemy, you self-harm by other people than under the same conditions Great.
Saturn transit
little time you learned to succeed in life if necessary hard work and constant practice. while you grow up you want to be a meaningful, so you for a job so you can start your want to go. because you own so many internal guidelines, your parents are not imposed from the outside with you, they do not make unrealistic high demand, because you will be very hard to fulfill them. Should it fail, you will be very strong condemnation of their own, but once you decide that he is a loser, want to change your idea will be very difficult. Saturn in this phase means that you are either a success or a failure to decide on the When you were young how to experience success.
you respect authority figures, even if you feel they give you a hard time. you realize that this position they earned was on the right, if you want to challenge them must also win the right to Caixing. Only when you have had a small very disgusted with the experience of the authority of the time (usually caused by your parents), the authority would be in the form after you grow up, disgusted. < br> No matter what career you choose, you will be a teacher and mentor others. You may itself is a school teacher. Anyway, if you achieve goals set for themselves, someone looking for you for guidance.
, however, you work hard for success, be careful not to ignore your friendship and other relationships. Otherwise, later you will be very lonely.
Uranus transit
you are an extreme person advocates. even when you are small, you have insisted nothing to do in their own way, and you strongly resist any outside pressure. In fact, you do not do something the best way is to try to you do it. You are a traitor, both the lifestyle you will not be particularly attractive.
the other hand, you are a creative, because you can be very creative and different from other people kinds of view on life. You can be very good at invention; In fact, the phase with the creative spirit of many scientists and engineers possess.
by stimulating others you may be very satisfying. When you see someone fall, you may be tempted to laugh at them or insult to injury. Obviously, if you do, you may have been cases of teachers or other authority, or even criticism of your parents, because they want you to be honest a little, do not trouble . The teacher may find that you are not a fool, because you are honest breach of discipline, and unable to sit still. This phase may also indicate mental disorders.
Finally, you should learn what is worth and what is not worth the rebels. However, You want to regulate adult should not be through violence, if they do, you will hate life authority.
Neptune transit
this phase brings many opportunities and challenges. you are very sensitive to things happening around, and you look like a sponge to absorb these images. but you do not always know what it means or how to deal with the impression they are. so there is a danger that, you're always in disarray, especially about who you are and you are going. Unfortunately, this phase of your own depression, not confident, never feel caught in the side things really happened. at least one of your parents should be able to guide you warm and firm life, and pointed out the distinction between reality and fantasy.
the phase is usually associated with the mental capacity, which may seem so confusing and difficult to understand the impression of the source. your parents should accept the fact that you The so-called illusions are those that can not easily be understood from the real world. They should help you learn to account for the fact and not just say you're dreaming or you invented them.
find the true meaning of life is very difficult , but this phase provides some clues. First, you should feel you are a business to work more than their own, whether it is a way to care for others or for the ideals and truth work. This phase has a strong religious scale. But it is more legendary than traditional, when your little secret and you will be the ideal world, attracted by the other.
Pluto transit
your life together will experience many changes, But you impact the world as an important figure was the desire of others remains unchanged. you have to face the danger is that you go too far too fast for you to alienate those who have authority. In your small When these people means that parents and teachers, but sometimes you will encounter police or government.
you may be one of your parents in a very intense relationship. This relationship is best to a good relationship It should be constructive, otherwise it will produce feelings of guilt or other forms of fetters. you have to and parents who talk frankly and without concealment, and he (she) has become mature in your post should be relaxed . Unfortunately, this phase usually indicates that your parents have a tried and domineering over the development of your freeze at some point.
solution is sometimes subtle, self-sacrifice and guilt rather than through more Open a little strategy. but positive and creative relationship between the parents can give you confidence and get in some important achievements in life desire.
people think, you must always remind ourselves of is that the need for frank and honest work . in your life, all because of your actions will lead to bad consequences exposed, and thus ruin all you have done. Nike Xi is an example of such people.
red -
red sun transit
you very concerned about your inner world, most people are less likely than other people to be affected by perceptions and expectations. you have the Lord to see a certain level, you will follow to assess the reaction is self- The importance of one thing. In life, you will be more subjective than most. You do not focus on others that are great and very important achievement. For you, personal world (your family and parents) operation well is very important. You will often link you grew up, even out there, you are still emotionally and psychologically from there obsessed with dismay. you get older, the ideal is a quiet family environment peaceful place; you more than anyone needs a secure and stable family life. leave them, your ability to self-confidence and independence will be seriously hampered. even in the rest of your life, you need to rely on another human line. However, If the environment in the development of a sense of security, you can be relied upon by others * powerful figure. your success depends on self-understanding rather than dealing with the outside world. self-esteem for you is more important than others. < br> red transit
the moon will be very worried about you your home and your childhood. your life, you may prefer familiar with the situation, you are fully aware of objects and people. Do you like yourself belong to a local or the feeling of a person because it can give you a sense of belonging and a sense of security. in your small, there is an inherent strength and security is very important. If your life is full of confusion and uncertainty , you may find the implications of this dilemma will be very difficult. you would you like to have filled the possessive and mistrust. you might be concerned about the people around you other people and full of envy, because you fear that they no longer care about you. you may rarely have a good feeling, and your state of mind may often in turmoil, your feelings and you could always do the right. More importantly, your life may be difficult to obtain success, because you always try to solve the problem when your childhood. But if your family life and very good sense of security, your parents are very concerned about you and often care about you, then you may grow into a full warm, loving and generous person. you will help take care of people for fun and will make sure to satisfy everyone's needs. you better able than others to express your feelings, and no matter where, your heart will be very peaceful and with This peaceful infection to others. you love the elderly will be very strong, and you're want a home of their own.
red Mercury transit
for some of the problems in life you may see very in-depth . your inner feelings may be strongly affect your view of the world, and you may think that you should view as the most important factor. but do not get so immersed in their own thoughts, so you may ignore the arguments of others. For This phase is concerned, is too subjective and is a very serious danger. On the other hand, communicate your ideas with others can become very easy, even when you're small time. when you form a very small the basic attitudes and opinions, and in your future life, difficult to change them. So for you, and your exposure to a wide world of the accident is very important, because you will hold you at this time learned views, although they are narrow and very tolerant. you miss your past, and you will spend too much time thinking they will not be too difficult. Do not worry about this too, because you have only one past, but think it is meaningless unless it is used to help you deal with the current situation. because it is dealing with your own feelings, you can you really need to respond to your situation, but only for your focus current and future terms, has nothing to do with your past. It may be difficult, but you need to check your thoughts and not only see your feelings and thoughts at face value. may your faith is based on your parents and family pay based on what you are not from your own observations.

you hours of Venus transit red house could be filled with warmth, love and friendship; and small in your life when you may be quite calm . The result is as you get older, you may be with your parents to keep a very good relationship, and you have a sense of security itself. You may be will give and receive love, others feel that you people are very warm. you family, like your spouse and children, as you grow up are important to you. when you need help, you know you can get help from their parents. Do you like warm and comfortable home environment. Wherever you go, you will create a warm and harmonious lies. Do you like friends to your house guest, because you like to share with others your personal world and make them feel like you happy. childhood Tai, do you like at home decorative art items are. Do you like elegant environment. small, you may taste and luxury detached, but you will soon tired of them, eventually you about the views of art and decorations will be very advanced. Of course, you also like the fancy clothes.
red Mars transit
this phase will have two very different role. Sometimes, you may be trapped in the desire of some force, in addition to self-willed, no other reason that you are want to do something. These actions often hasty, sudden, or due to inner emotional upheaval. Sometimes this happens because when you have a little rampage for family life, so all of your anger will suddenly explode. to avoid the occurrence of these, your parents should give you a proper and stable family life, so you will feel you can accept yourself. On the other hand, if you are confident your family like you accept you, then this phase will give you a very different experience. you will own inner needs and impulses to determine their own life trajectory. you will be aware of these needs, so you can meet in a controlled manner they are not just governed by the internal control. In general the success of your mind from the construction of a harmonious world can be easily recognized by the outside world rather than those. You may or may not have access to professional success, but those Unlike you, as important to meet the domestic demand. In your young, your parents should be aware of these and help you find your own needs rather than just obey the expectations of others.
Jupiter transit
Chong as a safe haven, your family is important to you, in the external environment is very bad situation, you usually choose a hike back. You will feel your childhood was the best time of your life is one, and you very respect for your parents, especially given that you are a great emotional support. In your larger, you will remember all the things your childhood, and you will love can make you remember all the things at home. No matter go, you always try to find a place where you grew similar group. If no such location, you will find a place where the people you touch a child who is very similar. your life will on the traditions and customs are respected, even if they are different from those of your own, these are not because you are conservative, but because you know they can give people a positive emotional support. Your temperament is very generous, and you like to experience a new environment . your life like a large and beautiful is a lot of open land surrounded the place. you hate crowded, both physically and emotionally, so you will avoid selfish people to maintain a close relationship, because they will limit your heart freedom. Generally, this phase means that the very high identity or sense of emotional security, which enable you to withstand any difficult time or make you a difficult time in someone else to help them.
red Saturn transit < br> This is a difficult phase, you will feel lonely, not gregarious. and you will feel no meaning, if people see you, is not they will just see an empty shell it. you these ideas are not based on facts based, but in difficult times you they will look real. This means you need a lot of emotional support from family. your mother, it could be the father, may be very demanding and want you to reach your a very high standard, but not to take care of you emotionally. even if they support you, you would like others to feel they are not effective. The possible effect of a phase of social activity that you may be strong, almost like you would not insist, together with others even when you feel lonely. If your horoscope have a lot of planets above the horizon, then this effect will be more obvious. you will feel from others trying to escape the deficiencies . However, to get rid of this feeling, the best way is to go in, face yourself, and accept all their own. Do you like your environment (including your room, your family) is very clean, there is the less obstruction as possible. others may feel your taste rather stereotyped abnormal, but you do not want to have too much drag in the necessities of things outside.
Uranus transit
this phase shows red, you are individualists you in life, basically go their own way. you have a special need emotional freedom, you do not like jealous or possessive of people together. In fact, in childhood, you may not like the mother's eldest child, feel that this is simply suffocating feeling, rather than give you strength. This attitude may have originated in early childhood events or series of events, they tell you can not expect the kind of child care for mothers needs. So, you know, to learn as much as possible out of this need. Most likely, your mother is very independent character, living a busy, in addition to the mother who is also the job, there are many things to do. However, except Uranus poor phase, or phase transit of Uranus red does not mean a lack of emotion, or emotional difficulties. It just shows that your parents like you, very free spirit. with age, traditions and the meaning of your family life less and less a matter of fact, you may even think that they hinder your freedom of self expression. Once you have the ability, you will want a place away from home and grow. even in your little old time, no matter where we go, you might like that sense of freedom without a foundation. When you get older, you'll own home to make it so simple, sparsely decorated, you will want as little as possible responsibility. If you ever own their own home, then you will teach them more independent the better, because you do not want anyone to by * themselves.
red Neptune transit
this aspect shows a strong sensitivity However, in order to allow this energy to play an active role in your childhood to be a more peaceful and calm. your family, between parents, other family members are very sensitive to the hidden energy; any form of negative feelings can make you feel insecure, lack self-confidence. get older, you may feel that they can not easily handle life's challenges, because in your heart of hearts, can not rely on their own emotional intelligence and resourcefulness of the action to settle things. you and the relationship between the parents may be more difficult. Usually, the parents of this phase of psychological vulnerability that you can not play well in your life should be his role. This makes you grown up they want to find those who can guide you, a loving parent like figure. The problem is that such a relationship will make you normal adult relationships in the pursuit of misplaced their place. But even if your parents are strong, you may go to the other extreme, would you idealization of large people. In that case, you will encounter people of all compared with their parents about it, rather than see them as ordinary people. This situation is so bad like the former, because At least you have a relatively strong, but also believe in the concept. Later in life, this belief may be transformed into the deep faith in God. because you are very sensitive, so you will eventually develop a strong mind and intuition capacity.
red Pluto transit
your childhood experiences of your life usually have a significant impact. you may be one of the parents is very important to you, so the impact will be on your parents from the lifelong implications. The question is, the role of energy in your childhood in a very deep level in the heart and may even be unconscious, so they will be difficult to understand in a way affect your life. the unfortunate experience of childhood may lead to your fears and bring a forced means of behavior and bad habits. you may not realize that this fear, but if you can consciously understand them, the situation is not so difficult. Also, have you had learned the attitude of the elders could seriously affect your experience based on their ability to make judgments. You have to be very careful not to learn any prejudice, and often question their own beliefs in order to confirm their help in your life, not play impediment. you might try one of the parents before, exert a strong influence on you, even you do not have this effect in the period. The parents must understand your life, each new stage, and in these stage of trying to gradually let go. if he or she wants to control your time, your mental growth may be seriously delayed. Of course, the powerful influence parents in your life will have a very active role. only with their parents contact is too tight, while the development of your life will play a positive and negative long-term effects.
sentence -
sun transit
sentence is full of self-affirmation of your energy, you want to succeed in life , known by others, or highly valued. But to reach a goal, you must learn to compromise. your relationships may not be very good, especially when you were young, because the only other person that you enthusiastic about your own, so they alienate your and do not want to help you. Great people to resent you may be aware of all the so-called because they feel by your experience will not know too much. When you were young and authority figures will be many conflicts occur, but eventually you will see them on your how important it is.
Another possibility is that you will rise to the attention of authority figures, they will not let you get it. a kind of friend is a friend as it is not so much a rival. but these people may be against you get something. You will have your own strengths and limitations of access to a lot of understanding, which makes you more power. On the other hand, authority figures who would become an obstacle to your success on the road. In any case, what matters is to know yourself and your impact on others. so you will know what you are doing and how you affected by the power of its own development of a thing.
Sometimes, this phase means that there is a conflict between the father. However, even if you complain about him now, he is also an important figure in the way you develop.
Moon square transit
and your very strong feelings is very important to you, but you need to resolve some tensions. First of all, your needs and feelings of others may often conflict with your expectations. or you may prefer to take a road though you know the way to go the opposite may be you better. The question is, Every time someone tells you not to go that way will be better. you feel sometimes more accurate than the rational judgments, these feelings may be based on someone else to tell you some of the points, and did not think through your own. You shall not do not work together with others, but you need to do with your own.
tell you to go if a rational way and emotions tell you to go another, then you have to weigh the good. If other people are rational choice good but you do not, then your feelings may tell you that what you really need. On the other hand, your feelings may come from the old, outdated ideas, and with childish childish fears. You may be reluctant to face the world after you grow up.
you may need a reliable friend of the proposal, it could be one of your parents, he can guide you what is the best choice. more mature in your post , you can better make those decisions. about your feelings and ideas of life can be good for each other strengthened. gradually learn to grow it, you may spend more time than others because of my father for you do the.
Mercury square transit
you very little, you will spend considerable time thinking about your future, but your ideas will not last long. your idea is active, you meet each new interest to your future career will generate new ideas. in practice there is a danger that you may have never decided to do a certain job; you may be involved in many projects but never can really get deep into the extent of true knowledge. Because of this, you need to teach their own principles, which can focus on a plan and have income requirements.
you are always busy and always need to be mentally active. you need to make your mind busy, and talking to others and feel the rhythm of life soon. or you will become very agitated, then it may annoy others. Usually you so addicted to your own views and needs that you forget the existence of others. but a little effort, you can get out and see the world from self-views of others. You can think very clearly, as long as you come out of their small circle.
you grow up to be cautious in you say bad words. Your mouth may become your worst enemy unless you can figure out in his speech before talking about yourself in the end. You can do it without offending other people's situations to persuade others in favor of their views. < br> Do you like to spend playing games, especially those who need to brainstorm the game, so you need very good at guessing, and other intelligence activities.
Venus square transit
This is a very active phase, that you are a very rich love and warmth of the people. You are good with people, because they can get along well with people is very important to you. for love and agree with it, you will not give up an important part of your own. In short, be honest Do not attempt to curry favor to please people. If your friends think you're all done just to please the elderly, they will not respect you. the people of this phase, the only challenge is you have to set set their own standards and follow their own goals, rather than just obey the wishes of its people.
you have a strong creative desire, if your chart that you have artistic talent, then the phase will be reinforced. You need to try different options and the art research to discover whether you really accordingly capacity. If so you ...

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