Monday, December 20, 2010

Read the

 88-year-old Taiwanese writer Bo Yang, a result of the election of Chen Shui-bian on behalf of the people throw the so-called people. Bo Yang September 24, 1984 China University of Holland in the United States speech love speech, according to records of the. great power to rise, we must face up to their There are many people suffering, you must have to wake everyone. If every one of us to be a good connoisseur, we can appreciate yourself, appreciate friends, appreciation of national leaders. This is the Chinese people should go now a road, and only one way. After the U.S. State Department used as a reference for their actions.
Japanese also wrote a [ugly Japanese], the author is in Argentina's Ambassador, His Excellency been dismissed, it is probably
Eastern and Western forces are different. China than Japan, and poor a like, assuming that this book was written out of my
,cheap UGG boots, it may trouble you to bring food to the prison to me, so I never write. but I
always wanted to find a machine will put it to make a verbal report, consult all sectors of the country's friends. But do not simply make a verbal report
single, in Taipei, the people listening to my lecture, to be heard speak on this subject. do not ask me out immediately. So, this
day in my life, sleeping mat time with [ugly Chinese] speech, I am very happy to, thank you for giving me this opportunity
. < br> One time, Tunghai University, Taichung, invited me to lecture, I told them this subject, I asked the Student Association:
: Taipei, said: Question: I hope I will be talking about when
recording, then I can rewrite it into an article. no sound.
this year I'm sixty years old. Taipei, March 7 friend gave me a birthday. I said to them:
the years. economic environment, with you on beyond the level of political
governance issues throughout the Chinese people. not just another person has experienced adversity, not just my generation experienced
the trouble. If we do not know about this trouble. toxin in the culture of this has not understanding, then I will
recurrence of their evil, never endless indefinitely.
refugee camps in Thailand, Ilan test Ninety percent are from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos was expelled out of the
people, we are talking about one, to the
few days after it wrapped, can not stand, came back in tears. She said: . like saying: the Chinese can not have private property.
and can not have commercial activity, if your clothes broke, neighbors, wife, two sewing needles for you, you give her a bowl of rice
as the same was reported that is a commercial activity, and Thai soldiers will be forced to see the lady naked body and went
by the referee, and asked her:
off and angry, the only one feeling
the East face of a middle-aged woman, I pick the side with the side of my wife say, the seller suddenly solution with the Chinese
explained to us, and we feel very close, and asked her She said: not hungry. , which is now Southeast Asia, then as a dependency of Britain and the Netherlands. There is a
a British Commissioner in Malaysia, said: South Sea Island as pigs, as ignorant, to fend for themselves, and always will be slaughtered.
I think Chinese people have of the twentieth century than the nineteenth century, the Chinese people. disaster even greater. the most painful to us is:
hundred years, the Chinese people every hope. almost all attributed to disillusionment. to a hope that China will get better from
this result, we not only disappointed, but even worse. encore hope, but is a disillusioned,
is also a disappointment. is a worse. again and again. National long-term course, but personal hygiene
life is limited. life can have several large hope to have several large life ideal, and can withstand burst? Show
look promising, in the end is bright, or bright when it? really a clover Nanjin. Four years ago, and I in New York speech
, spoke with emotion, a place where people stood up and said: is to encourage after starting
to how to do, I grew to be encouraged. five or six, when the adults said to me: responsibility too, can not afford. Later I told my son
: a! , since human history has not met since so much of a man-made disaster. is not only the loss of life
, the biggest loss is the destruction of humanity and the noble character of the destruction. person who left the human and
noble character, just like an animal makes no difference. Shinianhaojie many people have become beasts. that a nation: the quality of
sink so low, how can you stand up?
in Malaysia , the Chinese accounted for more than ten per cent, there are times I go to museums, batter a Malay,
in English, is not Chinese. This is not to say there are Chinese like, no Chinese is bad. That is another
problem. this phenomenon on the one hand that the Malay mind is not broad, on the other hand, also shows that the Chinese did not force
volume, no status, has not been respected. Thailand Chinese saying: the lifeblood of rice.
a shame. until the recovery of it, like lost children, with the mother's arms.
both very happy. As you know France will be al-Ann, Loran two provinces ceded to Germany thing, when they lost when the funeral
, how painful, when they return, and how happy. But we in Hong Kong, I heard a
to return to the motherland, immediately scared of their wits. This is how a colleague? As we have in Taiwan, some
Taiwan provincial youth and some young people from other provinces, advocates of Taiwan independence. I remember when. Thirty years ago, when Taiwan
Bay returned to the motherland, people are happy have Ruchirukuang. really like a lost child back to mother's pregnant
hold the same. three years later. Why the idea to run away from home? Cypress, one side is Turkey
its people, while the Greeks. do are two completely different things; not the same words, different races, different religions,
nothing like the Turks can do that. And we, the same blood, same looks the same
a ancestor, the same culture, same words, same language, but live in a different area, how
Why there is such a phenomenon?
all these things, so as a Chinese, not only difficult, but shame and pain.
the United States is living in Chinese, you do not know how he got one thing left, right, middle, alone, in the left, the left side in,
in the right, the right side in and so on. is simply no common language. Shafu of themselves as revenge, which can be considered a
what kind of nation? This can be considered a kind of Jimi even country? world, no countries like China, then the calendar
a long history, no country has such a pulse is said that our culture and this culture had reached a high degree of civilization
. Modern Greeks before the Greeks to follow independent, modern Egyptians ever before Egyptian independent,
and modern Chinese are descendants of the ancient Chinese people. Why such a large country, such a huge
large nation, fell to the point today that ugly? not only by foreign bullied and bullied more by their own people - by
tyrant, violent government, mob bullying. Sometimes I stop by the park in a foreign country. see foreign children, and they
is so happy, I have the feeling of envy. They did not burden their future off Tanzania, mental health,
full of joy. We are children of Taiwan, to school to study. wear glasses. In order to cope with the pressure of homework
force, not a nice guy. He mother collapsed to the ground, he Qufu her. sorrowful mother shouted: outside the life of the
, students immediately protested: Friends betray comrades, we must speak a lot about a lie. more
terrible education, we rely on the next generation, the next generation is this way.
my thirty years in Taiwan, writing ten years, ten essays written years in prison ten years, now would be to write the history
years, the average distribution. Why do not I write fiction? I think writing a novel more indirect, through a form of
style to some people, so I rewrote essay. essay like a dagger can be directly inserted into the heart of evil.
essay is like a man sitting beside the driver has to remind drivers that you have opened the wrong, it should be left, should
the right, should be to go aside, should not be double yellow line to overtake in front of a bridge, it should slow down the throttle, the front
a crossroads, a red light and so on. constantly reminded, stop calling, called after more than
to be put into a large prison. grasp power of people think: as long as no one point out his mistakes, he will never be wrong.
wrapped in the cell I thought, why go to jail, I committed a crime? guilty of what law? release of
, I also continue to explore the experience like me, is not a metamorphosis, to the special cases? me to
Iowa, formal and mainland writers together, so I found people like me, God has predestined me to jail,
not in Taiwan to jail to jail in China. They speak with me: not the Cultural Revolution, the anti-rightist anti put you out. prison who had, I asked him
them: I think this is not a personal issue, but the issue of Chinese culture.
few days ago, there was from Beijing, > a word. I think I fight quite capable, but it was a really hit me Yigun in the room.
but you can not blame him, even the agents in Taipei with me, can not blame, for the Ladies and gentlemen, in that environment, into the kind of track
later, the reaction may be that, because do you think is right. I will do that.
because I think I have done is right, even worse than they are. often hear people say: their
hand, half of the exercises in the hands of others.
a person living in the world, just like the stones wrapped in cement mixer, like up and running, the body does not
by the Lord. so we feel that not an individual problem, but social issues, but cultural issues.
Lord Jesus, when dying, said: > was not unusual, grow up, but also think it might not have the strength. But to my age now, this is usually only found in the peripheral
deep, how sad. so I think we Chinese people, has become today look, I
are ugly, we do not know from the ugly. I went to Iowa, because the Republic did not
diplomatic relations with the United States, my wife and was financed by the University of Iowa in the half, and then half of the private donations. donor half of the
Yenching restaurant owner is Iowa, not returned from China, a Chinese Mr. Zhang Pei bamboo, we were not
met a such a large donation number, so I moved. he and I talk, he said: > So, I want you face to face advice.]
Pei Zhu Wai is a problem in our culture that, after careful consideration that is not the quality of our Chinese people have asked
problem, my first trip abroad, the Sun Kuan-han President told me: If the Chinese people through the years, the change can not think of not
changed. is not the quality of our Chinese people really have problems? is not God created us, when the Chinese people,
to assign us a ugly inside? I think should not be a quality problem, it is not find their own comfort, the Chinese may
the world's most intelligent nation, one of the exam several U.S. universities, often Chinese, many of Big
scientists, including China, the father of Mr. Sun Guanhan atomic science, Nobel Prize laureate Chen Ning Yang, Tsung-Dao Lee first
students are first-rate mind. the quality of the Chinese people are not bad enough the quality of the Chinese people
the Chinese go to a very healthy, happy state, we are entitled to do this, we have reason to believe that China will
be a good country. but we do not have all day to power our country the state does not have any strong relations
Department? as long as the people's happiness. After the people's happiness, and go no later than the pursuit of power. I think we Chinese people have
noble qualities. But why hundreds of years, still can not from the suffering of the Chinese people? what?
I would like to take the liberty to propose a comprehensive answer, that is, there is a kind of Chinese traditional culture
virus filtration, so that our children and grandchildren affected by the infection, to today can not be recovered. Some people say: parents give birth to a son of syphilis, when the disease each son: have to take medicine. On one occasion, an angry child
son, said: kind of body? What kind of culture left?
such a huge country, with a quarter of the world population, a large nation, but poverty, ignorance, struggle, blood
fishy, and so on quicksand, become addicted. I see other countries get along from person to person, full of heart wrapped
envy. such a traditional culture. produced a phenomenon now, so that we Chinese people have a lot
kinds of terrible features. One of the most obvious features of the dirty, chaotic, noisy. Taipei was once anti-dirty.
results against a few days is no longer backwards. our kitchen dirty. our family dirty disorder. There are many places in the
people a go, someone else moved out. I have a child, graduated from National Chengchi University, married to a French
people, living in Paris, many friends have a trip to Europe In her home, beaten ground floor. She said to me: br> refer to the entire East, and sometimes refers specifically to the Chinese.) I'm sorry to hear that, but take a look at
cream ice cream is full of boxes, slippers; kids everywhere, graffiti everywhere, wrapped in moist air The musty. I asked: We are dirty, we have chaos. As for the noisy, voice of the great Chinese people, really
is unparalleled in the world, especially in Guangdong, fellow of the noise gate is most well received. There is a joke in the United States: two in Guangdong
wrapped whispering about it, Americans believe that they will fight, immediately dial telephone report, the police came and asked him
they doing? They said: because there is no sense of security, so the Chinese special high voice, that voice is a big
PolyU: as long as the loud, high noise gate, management have come to my side here, or else how do I be so angry gas
? I think these points enough to allow the destruction of the image of the Chinese people, so that our hearts can not be peace. because of noise,
dirty, chaotic, it will naturally affect the heart, bright and clean and dirty and chaotic, are two completely different of the world.
The internal fighting, the Chinese people, but the world famous important characteristics of Chinese people. Each individual port
himself. looks like a pig, but it adds up to three Japanese train: I said, God made the team fine
Japan invincible. war against the Chinese, Japanese, however, have done, but the Japanese do business, in Taiwan
North, three Japanese business, well, this is your The next is mine. Chinese people do business, to show the Chinese people's ugly
level fifty you sell. I sell them, you sold for, I sell twenty. So. Each < br> is a Chinese dragon, the Chinese into the spoke, clearly and logically. can the sun blew,
next to rule the world. Chinese people in a single location. For example, in the research laboratory In the examination room, in the case of
not need to have interpersonal relationships, he can have a remarkable development. But the three Chinese people together,
three giant dragon together. it becomes a pig, a worm, and even the lice do not like. because the Chinese people is the best hands to take
infighting. wherever there are Chinese people in fighting, the Chinese people will never unite, it seems that few Chinese people who lack the unity of
cells, so people do not know foreign criticism of China's unity, I can only say: you can stand? God pity you, it teaches the Chinese people are not united. For this reason
written a book. you see most clearly in the United States, the best specimens in the present, any Chinese community,
send at least three hundred sixty-five into each other trying to put to death each other . is a Chinese saying: A monk carrying water
, two boys boy, three boys no water to drink. importance. but you say he does not understand, he could write a book important to the unity you see
see. my last (one thousand nine hundred eighty-one) to the United States, living in a friend's house in the university teaching wrapped, talk about head is
Road, astronomy, geography, how to save the country, and so the next day I said: I said:
that talk of rationality? so wrapped nest of Chinese people fighting, is a serious feature.
you more likely to experience in the United States this, the entire Chinese people who most powerful people are not foreigners, but
is Chinese. who betrayed the Chinese: are not foreigners, but the Chinese people. Those who framed the Chinese people,
not foreigners, but Chinese people. in Malaysia has such a story: A friend of mine to live in that
children, all of a sudden the defendant, the report very seriously, tracing under the original report was a friend of his, a
from China, with fortunes. Friends asking how he could do such nasty things? man said: ? my friends,
is the Chinese people sue you.
have many friends with me: if immediate supervisor is the person, you have to pay special attention. especially careful,
he not only does not improve you, You will be fired when layoffs. because he speaking these words should be divided into two parts, one is the Chinese people's diligence virtue of the Gang of Four in China have been destroyed throughout the
. a few years off, China's single most important virtues - hard work, now does not exist. s Second, what shall we
compared with the Jews? like the newspaper said: Israel in Congress got into a fight, dear friends, three people have three opinions
. However, they deliberately kill one thing, once After the decision, but it is a direction,
though blazing outside, still fighting, the enemy surrounded on all sides. is still business as usual election! you are now
white, the meaning of the election must have an opposition party, no opposition elections, but is a third-wild
drama. In China, there are three views of three of the same, however, is not the same as with Israel, the Chinese people in the decision after
. but it is three direction. is like saying that it was proposed to New York today, it was suggested to the old gold
Hill, the division decided to go to New York. If it is the Israelis, they will go to New York. If you are Chinese, well, you
they go to New York I have my freedom, I go to San Francisco. I was in England the film, saw some children
in the fight, some to climb trees, and some want to swim, making for a while after the decision to vote, vote, climbing trees, So we all went to climb a tree
. I'm impressed by this behavior, because democracy is not the form, but a
part of life. Our democracy is also a picture taken that he drop your
Yu respect, democracy has not become part of his life, only to become part of his performance.
can not unite the Chinese people, Chinese people's nest wrapped bucket, China human evil. This is not the quality of the Chinese people
bad, but Chinese culture, there are filtration of the virus, so that we show up when the time is not non-Hou,
our self-control behavior can not , knowing that it is internal fighting, or to internal fighting.
pot smashed all to eat not a meal, the sky is falling can be a tall roof. because this internal fighting, philosophy, so that we have a Chinese
very special kind of behavior refuses to admit. you have not heard of the Chinese people believe that wrong?
if you listen to the Chinese people, said: Small
when I hit her once, the result is I wronged her, she cried so badly, I felt very sad.
I think it is young and helpless, she can only rely on parents, The parents of a sudden turn, is a terrible thing
. I lifted her, I said: daughter, forgive my father. > Chinese people are not used to admit, but there are a million reasons. cover up their mistakes. proverb:
conduct the review week, the results of the review is: the other review, but also said he was too honest.
each have their own review all felt too honest? So who is not honest it? can not admit is that the Chinese lost the ability to admit.
While we do not admit , wrong, or there is not nothing wrong to not wrong. to cover up a mistake, the Chinese people have
very hard, and then make more mistakes, to prove that wrong is not the first mistake. So,
Chinese people like to tell lies. like empty talk, like telling lies, like telling a lie, more like about poison words - words to
drug. Tahan days continuously exaggerated sound of the Chinese nation, and constantly exaggerated the traditional Chinese culture can carry forward the world.
reason because they can not be honored, all big, empty talk. I do not give lies, lies of the case, but if the Chinese
poison people, but very prominent, even within the boudoir, are related to foreigners are different. foreign couple nickname classes, giving the impression that Chinese people why so vicious, dirty?
I have a friend to write novels, and later diverted to business, there are times met him and asked him to do business can be made
a fortune? his said: what is. foreigners to travel between China and the Chinese people, do not know what thought
side. eat He also repeatedly turned down: it! I'm not good at speak it! br> never corrected their error. often used to cover up a mistake ten errors, and then the error to cover
hundred ten errors decorated.
One time I went to Taichung to see a British professor, has a bit is also an old friend of the university lecturer,
came to see me, he said: , be sure to come! , I said:
there such a thing? born with a very heavy burden on every day and try to figure out other people's views
thinking. If it is the same generation friends, no relations. If he has power, if he was a high official, if he has money,
and you must close with him, you should always wondering what he was thinking in the end? These are the spirit of the waste.
So, there is a saying: is five, may be one, may be eight hundred fifty-third, do you think you speak the truth
, others do you think you are attacking the government to subvert it? This is a serious issue, so I have
always in some big, empty words, lies, lies, drugs, spun words. I have one of the greatest skills, open
any meeting, I can sit there wrapped sleep, woke up after a nap, it will also end. Why?
meeting we are talking about even if he does not believe, hear their all the same. not only in Taiwan is so large
land is particularly serious. this year (one thousand nine hundred eighty-four) Participation in international Writers program, a famous female writer Chen
continental capacity, wrote a novel We should at least feel bad is a bad thing, once the bad thing is we think is a glorious thing
pieces, that is if things do not matter, the nation's software culture began to decline. is like saying that stealing is
something that does not matter, is not honorable thing, even an honorable thing, which creates a
crisis, but we Chinese are facing this crisis.
because the Chinese people continue to hide their mistakes, and constantly of telling lies, empty words, lies, lies, drugs, then the Chinese mind then completely closed, not open. China's area is so big, so long culture,
great country, what the Chinese people should have a kind of mind? should be the great country of the mind.
great country but we the people's hearts and minds can only be seen in the book, ...

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