Thursday, December 2, 2010

Moderate drinking vinegar help relieve the symptoms of insomnia

 Chinese medicine, Yin sour and sweet, instant foods into sweet and sour can be transformed into chi, in order to effectively promote sleep, just as the sour vinegar substance, if the body intake of vinegar, you can stabilize mood, improve insomnia.
mortgage, promotion, test hh important things that many people in the face of tension occurs when, even Chafanbusi, awake at night. In fact, if we can exploit the use of vinegar at home to resolve all these tensions to mention .
to emergency situations, the human body by the reaction of physiological conditions, will produce large amounts of lactic acid, and even the formation of accumulation, in the event a large number of lactic acid accumulation can lead to stimulation of the brain caused by tension fatigue, which can easily lead to fatigue, sleep disorders . and acetic acid can not only effectively inhibit the formation of lactic acid also can accelerate the oxidation, reducing its degree of accumulation in the body, thus eliminating or reducing tension fatigue, makes it easy to sleep. visible tension in patients with insomnia due to drink some vinegar helps improve sleep quality is.
, of course, to improve the tension insomnia Hecu better not drink, a spoonful a day can be, it is best diluted with warm water before drinking, because vinegar contains more acetic acid, vinegar alone will damage teeth directly, so that decalcification, do not forget to rinse your mouth after drinking. vinegar varieties should be chosen to broken rice, bran, sorghum, corn and other grain as raw materials, such as rice vinegar etc., made from grain has higher nutritional value of vinegar, which contains the human body needs a variety of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates and other nutrients.
to note that, with gastric ulcer and gastric acid in vivo too many people try not to use this method, because too much acid in vivo, will be worse

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