Sunday, December 5, 2010

A New Interpretation of Wit

 The new interpretation of Wit and read Todd
mm. G. Barr Buchholz, books on any subject hh hh wit and humor aspect in the success, and this is one of the one. well! read Barr Buchholz's ; High Zhibian but from the earth. In economic circles, write the article easy to understand one of the few economists to understand ordinary people, not to mention to. Although he was not Megatron the academic dean, nor is the winner of the Nobel Prize in economics. or even Milton. Friedman also commented: This extensive study on the economic thought of the book is witty and clear description of the combination with a high degree of accuracy.
Barr Buchholz in the ; Introduction: the plight of economists, , David. Ricardo, John. Stuart. Muller, Karl. Marx, Marshall,UGG bailey button, who the old and new institutionalism, Cairns, monetarists, public choice theory, rational expectations school, history of economic thought of these giants on the screen or With school scheduled to open the way of tone, humorous story is convulsed in laughter makes you feel the master's style, appreciate the profound power of thought they mm of the brain really inspired us!
a , Adam.
Barr Buchholz said Adam Smith. Smith is the br> Adam. Smith's theoretical foundation. Until now, our economy continues to follow the run of mention the name of Satan is the same. it was his to promote population control > However,UGG boots, Malthus was not out of date. look around us, such as ant-like people. his words seem so alarming. Perhaps we should listen to his advice: shoot end of the tunnel to the beam of light is actually moving towards us roaring train.
III, David.
David Ricardo. Ricardo fear since Adam. Smith after the first real economists. his main contribution was to create a complete and systematic the method of economics.
economists has always been important research question assumptions, as long as the assumption is reasonable, easy to deal with the natural reasoning process. We have no doubt David. Ricardo's logical reasoning ability. but his economic model is the assumption often counterintuitive. a result, he left us with few things. but he voice calls for free trade ring in our ears today.
IV, John. Stuart. Mill
This Qin's said chivalry inspired Muller. ; circumstances. mm which is compatible with the greatness of Marx! he can single-handedly come up with a terrible theory, but this theory affect the whole of the 20th century, has lingering sound wave.
He is angry and full of wisdom the language of home!
VI Alfred was. Marshall, Marshall's name
tightly set in modern economics in the head. his his book, his patience as old as history, the same dedication. so do most of his meticulous work, the most successful. Keynes praised Marshall is a rare mixture of a variety of talented people.
seven, old and new institutionalism by
Old Institutionalism: The Veblen, Galbraith. They seem cynical, as we now say, they are cynical mm! However, we have to admit, it is this, to make their great penetrating power of observation , also of modern economics benefit from their mouth.
Neo: They stretch enough to touch the economics of the legal profession. thus creating a new branch of economics: Law and Economics . They Economics scalpel dissection to the results of jurists fragmentation, they used the magic of economics to legal weapons for the husband of our people has softened place in the world.
eight, the name Cairns in Cairns
economists and Marx's reputation in China as loud. because mathematician, historian, statesman and philosopher combined. However, it is unfortunate that this last set of the top hat on his head at.
his the invisible hand of the market in our China, especially.
nine, monetarists
history of advancing in waves always. When the time of Keynesian popular, but also doomed them to the stage of history. crazy like a group of monetarist headed towards the Keynesian bees.
monetarist their propaganda sublime views of patients so that they infiltrated every inch of land economics.
they won, because Becker wrapped with octopus-like economics, many problems in reality. And Buchanan will cling to tip of the iceberg: The Economic Interpretation of Politics!
public choice theory tells us: politics is a kind of economic behavior ! government bureaucracy in the implementation of the policy makers weigh the costs and benefits when the size. When we discuss hello!
XI, the ideal school
expected ideal school is expected to blaze the Cheng Yaojin halfway, but to the mainstream economics repeated changes to arrive at the earth-shattering conclusions. They believe that if people have good expectations, they would not make systematic mistakes. That is, when you walk in the street one day, suddenly fell into a sewer. s two days, you will change course wisely.
school of rational expectations as a representative figure: Lucas, his wife in the divorce agreement seven years ago, added to such a: If Lucas had been the day Nobel Prize in Economics,Bailey UGG boots, he points to her half the prize money. Seven years later, Lucas honored the terms and conditions. shows the power of rational expectations school!
200 panoramic view of the economics for many years, and accompanied by great masters difficult economic pace,UGG boots clearance, brought us the ;, may be dismal rain began to come, but the economics of the

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