Monday, January 3, 2011

Three other Chinese and Western Medicine

different from the traditional Chinese medicine and Western science to see
Yellow Emperor observation, observation of the phenomenon is mainly observed in long-term experience gained summary. experience is true, of course, has its right side, and so the long history of traditional Chinese medicine, experience is very rich set of tired of the . Chinese people for thousands of years before Western medicine came to health is guaranteed by the Chinese to the Chinese people developed into hundreds of millions of people to fully explain the fact that the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine.
theory of Chinese medicine from a scientific sense as said hypothesis is that people under the phenomenon of conjecture out of the truth, after a long practice of verification and continuous changes to the Yellow Emperor into the book is academic freedom in China reached a peak when contending, summarized the experience of traditional Chinese medicine a classic - Canon of Medicine. In the period before the era, the majority of humanity is still in the wild period, Chinese people can have a highly developed medicine as a great achievement indeed. rest of the world's most ancient civilizations perished in the era before and after, interrupted their civilization, and only Chinese traditional culture retained continuing, Chinese medicine down the same heritage.
Unfortunately, two thousand years ago, Emperor Qin unified China, which is in the After hundreds of years into a book, thinking of the ruling class has been the implementation of tyranny, so that all follow the example of ancient Chinese people, not innovations. traditional Chinese medicine, too, the long history of over two thousand years have passed, and the stagnation of traditional Chinese culture of Confucianism on the Royal, as Chinese still remain in the approximately be considered from the sixteenth century with modern medicine, modern medicine is built on the basis of modern science. And while the West had been stuck in ancient times, depending on witchcraft and the supernatural healing of the Catholic Church. Modern science originated in Italy After the Renaissance revived the ancient Greek and Roman philosophy of humanism on the basis of everything to ask why? not satisfied with the phenomenon observed things, and deep to find the essence of things. Western medicine to human anatomy based on the human body and disease and the structure of the human body linked to the micro-and discovering the bacteria viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms. and other sciences, like Western medicine with study on the human body based on the structure of matter, summarized a number of the conclusions of a scientific law. scientific conclusions that can be repeated, and can be verified through the experiment, no matter where used, as long as the conditions to be effective.
Western and Chinese medicine is essentially the difference is that Chinese people see the make a living as a whole, by a doctor with my experience and skills to determine the patient's condition senses, and then vary the make treatment.
clear from the whole, Chinese medicine is undoubtedly correct, but specific to a patient , a doctor, the situation becomes very complicated. Chinese medical consultation by the look, smell, and asked, cutting, hope the situation is to look at the patient's appearance, the appearance of each individual health is not the same time, every doctor's observation will differ the exact results very difficult. smell and asked the same, and the patient's answers may not be accurate, are irrelevant answers may be a little silly. Qiemo is a craft, fully rely on doctor's hand to feel, when the old man Jiaotu Di hard to say clearly that it is difficult to describe a feeling, and students should then describe to feel, Mr., is a difficult. different people of the senses is a big difference, and cut out the result will be a great uncertainty, it all depends on individual doctors of experience. there are many uncertainties in medicine, Chinese medicine is a natural growth, and its active ingredients is not clear, local soil and even the weather will affect the medicinal properties, are also uncertain. a doctors to deal with this endless uncertainty, have to experience, it is too difficult, no wonder the Chinese are relying on ancestral, that is, by several generations of ancestral experience and physical characteristics similar to their own side to compensate for uncertainty. Moreover, the Chinese medicine theory is a hypothesis, there is no visible evidence, in particular, Chinese medicine, on brain function in non-river, do not speak the function of the nervous system, brain and mentally function of the system spread to other organs and meridians, this is a big loophole. No wonder the ancients at the right time do not know the structure of the brain and the brain, heart and eating, drinking, and breathing can be spread from the phenomenon in the sense of thinking and feeling can not be observed by the senses, and found that the role of the brain and nervous system is the contribution of modern medicine, even though found not long, but too much sense.
short in terms of the Chinese people from the ontology as a whole is brilliant, but from theory to practice there is too much uncertainty, too dependent on the ability of individual doctors. different patients run into a doctor the results will be different, with different doctors a patient hit results will be different. a clever Western medicine can cure is no cure for the disease, but there are also some faint Yong Western medicine can only be solved by a single laboratory as a disease of the pregnant woman rule. especially now, people Fuzao, there are several people willing to spend make a good effort to learn as Chinese?
Western contrary, Western medicine and science as a basis of human anatomy, medicines have a very precise components, medical consultation by means of scientific examination, all diagnosed with the disease have quantified The precision of the test results as a basis, the single active ingredients of western medicine, mechanism of action clear, very clear role to pay. In addition to some surgical procedures depends on the individual abilities of doctors, doctors rely on a limited extent, the need is responsible, as long as seriously, after a certain set of accumulated experience, people can be diagnosed correctly, to cure the patient. Of course there are many Western medicine can not cure diseases not diagnosed, it has many limitations, it is still very short history, also need to move forward, but the basis of Western science, to put it clearly, do also know that there is certainty.
Western's drawback is its short history, too much emphasis on the function of various organs as well as their pathogenic microorganisms understanding of the neglect of human integrity. However, since the role of the brain and nervous system was discovered, doctors also began to function from the downtown and over the body of the nervous system and the role of the spirit of the people running the system as a whole to study, to correct past deficiencies.
their own strength and Western medicine, Chinese medicine has a long history, there are endless experience, have the right ontology, but lack the material basis of the human body exactly subtle understanding of man's limited sensory observation of surface phenomena, the lack of quantitative testing methods, to meet in the ancient classics is no innovation. The right path is integrative medicine, learn from each other, the development of China's modern medicine.
the best solution is to be Chinese meridian system material basis to find, as it should and divisions in the nervous system of the body are related. TCM that have Ashi, Ashi point is that people feel pain, say pain is the nerve endings from the Western response to the pain points are in the Chinese view is the meridian points can be shifted, nervous system and meridians are caves in Afghanistan should be the breaking point coincidence. If the Chinese can Qiemo precision instruments, so that pulse to become a certainty, it is a big breakthrough. Anyway, I that the overall philosophy of physical medicine and Western medicine and scientific experience and will be in the right direction.
science? is exactly the objective world the correct theoretical description. Science is not a panacea, science is Always forward, any time science can not solve all problems, it can only solve it can certainly solve the problem it has been described. scientific conclusions are conditional, the conditions are met under the premise of Science is the eternal law of right, the result is completely universal, repeatable, that is a certainty, is fully reliable, not to be that the person to change, to meet the scientific Western medicine conditions.
medicine is experience, especially emphasis on the ability of individual experience, gained practical experience, is trustworthy and useful. However, Chinese medicine is not scientific, is uncertain, and its level of trustworthy limited.

has made his dream and a dream, can not be regarded as a nightmare, and not a terrorist, but sad:
me from home, the family I was the only one who is very lonely, found it too boring to a friend's house to live. night all sleep, his family trouble themselves up, has been unable to sleep, one of them asked me out and play with him, I have that feeling that to a man hanging out the door. I do not want to go home, it is too lonely, and I climbed a difficult Gao, Momin wonderful into a hall. There is no stage, many people, it seems that some people in the middle performances, others are the audience, but the point is not clear, everyone can easily participate in performances, indignant very enthusiastic. a lot of people are acquaintances and I almost hit strokes, but more interested in playing with their own, I But participation is not in, had slipped while watching. like a security guard caught me, I did not vote like that, take my gun out. I think I was afraid he would be powerful point, then threw a glass bottle. The man is not afraid. At this point I was very nervous waiting for serious consequences, for fear he will punish me, but he did not, is to me to find out the door. I had to go out, but it seems not from the door, but can be opened from the French windows out, outside of course empty, I do not know to go there, feeling lonely and helpless, being woke up in the desolate.
why I want to make this dream is very simple, Riyousuosi night that is they think. wife to go to Nanjing, and although we have no mutual hear him half a year, but she was considered only after all the family. A few days before she called twice, asking a little thing, I simply answered. I do not want to say anything else, my mind is empty, what are unwilling to think, to the contrary, sometimes not good, nothing better than to want. daughter went to Singapore to practice ten days. Beijing has no family, and two sons single over, and from not much, I often go to see little granddaughter on it, do not want to give them trouble. it made the lonely dream, my work unit are not many people in between, I think people do not want others concerned, I do not care, retired, not much different than the words
, so only chatted without enthusiasm. In addition to golfers only play tennis, but in recent days of my right knee arthritis, bone weight, and not hard to play, ready to stop playing tennis that day, bad mood, not trying to say. dreams nothing new, but fortunately do not really like the nightmare a few days ago, the dream See who was holding a big sword, bloody some horror. what kind of psychological need to find a doctor, I know more than enough, they choose to eat in addition to what kind of sleeping pills useful, useless for me. I Now do not eat the medicine, sleep okay, station a little problem to deal with the Chinese.
Patong Deng's case to check the hospital, Deng, and Deng Deng your big attempt with the two persons involved in violence has also been punished, I think this result is fair. in a variety of channels, a series of Guanguanxianghu came under the influence of the news, the hearts of the majority of Internet users are hung, Deng would be unfair worry for the treatment, and now finally so put down.
I believe that the message will not all be fabricated, Guanguanxianghu is the unspoken rules of officialdom, many people have received their victims, so he has a very high guard. Precisely because the majority of Internet users call their cry, have a higher level of intervention, only the results of this fair. Remember the words of Sun Yat-sen: ;. Mr. Li Ao also remember the words: are!

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