Monday, January 17, 2011

Beijing medical education budget increase of 9% over the field of strengthening the protection of people's livelihood

 This year, the Beijing city planning local arrangements for the general budgetary revenue 256.58 billion yuan, an increase of 9.0%; the city's local general budget expenditures 267 billion yuan, an increase of 9.1%. 9% for the determination of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress, Municipal Finance Bureau, said Yang Chao, considering the economic and social development in Beijing and other factors.

structural adjustment 16.1% increase in revenue arrangements and financial arrangements for an increase of 14.6% compared to spending this year budgets have reduced growth, respectively 9.0% and 9.1%.

arrangements for local revenue growth of 9.0% of the set goals, Yang Chao said the target of 9% required by the current situation is not too high, but it is not easy to complete. driver, one is the first to achieve urban and rural integration. He said the economic restructuring of the financial income will have some impact, as to how much impact, now is not a good estimate.

efforts to improve security and livelihood areas

is worth mentioning that in the 2011 municipal budget expenditures in general, the field of protection of people's livelihood has been a greater degree of improvement efforts. Among them, the education spending 20.62 billion yuan, an increase of 9.6%; health care spending 6.33 billion, up 9.2%; social security and employment, spending 7.96 billion yuan, an increase of 5.7%. Transportation spending 9.29 billion yuan, an increase of 3.0%. Support priority development of public transport, so that people travel more convenient and smooth. Arrangements for bus subsidies to 8.21 billion yuan, 400 million yuan subsidies for other arrangements for a taxi for the city's 66,600 taxis monthly subsidies.



Yesterday, the Beijing Municipal People's Congress, Municipal Finance Bureau, interviewed Yang Chao, the budget for the fiscal matters of public interest to do a reply.

restructuring will affect the financial income

Beijing News: Beijing this year will be how to adjust the economic structure?

super-Yang: China in Beijing this year with the same, especially the seventh session of the Fifth Plenary Session in accordance with the central spirit, to adjust the economic structure, to achieve the two One is the first to achieve urban and rural integration. Economic restructuring, revenue will have some effect, as to how much impact, now is not a good estimate.

Beijing News: economic restructuring is conducive to economic development?

Yang Chao: economic restructuring and ultimately to establish a sustainable mechanism for the long run, the financial income, economic development will certainly have a positive effect; on the revenue to maintain a certain level of growth is also positive The.

Beijing News: real estate in Beijing this year, the economy is expected to occupy a position?

Yang Chao: real estate does the role of Beijing's economic support is still very obvious. It should be said, directly from the Beijing real estate in total revenue accounted for 18% -20%, and now people look forward to stabilize housing prices, we also feel that in 2011, the real estate in Beijing contributed revenue may be decline.

transformation of key villages will receive awards demolition

Beijing News: We mentioned that to achieve this year, two

Yang Chao: a wide range of urban-rural integration, we are here mainly refers to the 50 key villages to speed up the process of urbanization.

Beijing News: 50 key villages for reconstruction, how much money would probably be in Beijing?

Yang Chao: For the urban and rural investment, land development and also on the overall balance of funds. Approach taken by the Government to support incentives, such as the demolition of the village soon we will give some financial incentives.

Beijing News: Last year, there has been a district government debt statistics?

Yang Chao: We continue to check and approval, the verification work is not yet finished. (Daoudine)

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