Sunday, January 16, 2011

How can life with so much fun to open Curcuma.

 There is a sign language called the tears ..
afternoon phoned home .. ..
brother received a call that a trip to Seoul hastened back .. Curcuma asked how it was. He said Seoul father falls the ..
heard these words. the first to coax look, a big fall .. tears ..
think of that moment in Curcuma impression has been very healthy. if a man will never fall - how could my father ..
. how could. brother said .. come back ..
Seoul Curcuma know, my father will not be called Curcuma generally okay to go home,.
Curcuma afraid. fear .. afraid .. afraid he would lose his left Curcuma ..
father. Curcuma Seoul .. 好想 好想 Curcuma Really Want to go back and look .. ..
Seoul, however, Curcuma do not know how to go back and ask family members to face the group of eyes.
do not know how to explain. Curcuma, and the reason he broke up ..
afternoon to hear those words from the beginning .. the tears .. < br> in bed. cry .. do not know how long to sleep ..
drowsily woke up and remembered the brother's words, began to cry .. one more day without food.
out door, met a friend in the street. ..
go drink a long time. .. did not drink a little drink of liquor, the head began to faint .. and then the body from allergies ..
a lot of whole body small lump. continue to drink. ..
uncomfortable stomach drink a smoky .. then a friend asked how the ..
Curcuma Curcuma in the end, said the family was hurt. father broke his .. the tears began to fall.
true. do not know what else .. be afraid of their own. afraid that Dad would crash ..
mind the idea of once again ..
found dead There is a tragic one person called does not help ..
sitting in cafes, sipping a cheap self-service machines in the heart of coffee than the coffee ..
still bitter ..
feeling like yourself now A child has been abandoned over the world ..
even the only family now also seriously injured. good .. really good help does not help.
good hope, to accompany someone in the side with the anti-Curcuma .. 
why. In Curcuma most lonely, most helpless. most in need of warm, no one around.?
why. Curcuma always hold a person, a human anti.?
regardless who the difficulties. Curcuma are trying to help ..
remember the good times that period of hardship together. Curcuma many people want him to stay with the side .. Curcuma. /
and Curcuma .. if only sympathize with the bear .. as long as he accompanied the storm Curcuma get through this .. but he is not. There is nothing in the ..
father. If even that Seoul has left .. Curcuma no longer had to worry about.
Curcuma and Seoul also .. go there with Mom and reunion. Curcuma their family forever ..

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