Thursday, January 13, 2011

Artes GCL and 5200 MW power silicon is about to sign

 The nation's largest supplier of polysilicon and wafers GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited on January 12 announced that the company and the Canadian Solar Technology Co., Ltd. signed a long-term product supply silicon wafers and the supplementary contract agreement.

's under GCL GCL (Suzhou) New Energy Co., Ltd. and Canadian Solar's Canadian Solar Technology Co., Ltd. Suzhou entered into a supplemental agreement, GCL 2011 January until December 2015 only, will total 5,200 MW of Artes offers solar wafer products. Retained in terms of the contract price adjustment mechanism.

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Up to now, has been gradually GCL Wang to Taiwan optical, JA Solar, Solarfun Power, Hairun Photovoltaic, Trina Solar and other major manufacturers in Taiwan and China signed a long-term contracts dozens of GW, of which JA Solar has signed with up to 10 GW long single.

GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited is China's largest polysilicon producer, the world's leading silicon wafer supplier, is also China's leading green power operators. Group's polysilicon production capacity at the end of 2010 reached 21,000 tons, to electronic-grade product quality standards, target production capacity in 2011 to 2.5 million tons. Group wafers by the end of November 2010 had reached 3.5 GW. In addition, the Group also in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China built the largest installed capacity of 20 megawatts of photovoltaic power plants.

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