Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'm lost in Nigeria to 20 hours of freedom

 In Nigeria for three years, has been so good people thought I was, and its luck has been good, nothing had happened would not happen. The day before yesterday for the first time experienced loss of freedom, and up to 20 hours, first to understand original breathing the air of freedom is so comfortable. looked at the blue sky and white clouds, the original should be thankful that we really should meet, should be treasured., everything should be careful.
I calmly sitting at the computer, and wrote this post, write down my experience these days with my friends to say peace has reported a few days did not come online to update blog, and thank you for the concern and care.
Thursday evening, together with my colleagues to counsel Sa line work,UGG shoes, because of the recent import of a problem with a mess of reasons, and then get the late, about 9.30, on the way back to the way to the Ikeja Week sister ate a hot pot dinner. for a long time did not go to hot pot restaurants, and really little miss the hot taste.
to the hot pot, the door was locked from the inside, I said, strange ah, is not closed, so he Laotang hard knock, that there is not anyone watching TV Well , quite a while, just as we were leaving, the door opened, and the original immigration recently in hiding. I was still laughing quietly with the Xiao Cao said they also funny, shut the door and hide Han immigration, let us all documents legal, not afraid of.
hot pot more than the guests to two tables, estimates are not the reason for the weekend.
finally buried hard to eat, hungry, and soon people two tables away, pot Shop staff are carefully closed and cleared the table, and then dinner.
suddenly heard a knock on the door very urgent, as well as the voice of black people that buy buy Han Han, hot pot restaurant staff looked up and quietly said, , finished, immigration came, quickly hide, but this time just have power, but fortunately there are emergency lights, my first reaction was to hide the toilet. waitresses flashlight and said, Follow me, migraine led us through the kitchen, and back alleys, climb the stairs behind the small kitchen to the roof, do not worry about dirty clothes, and quickly climb, hot pot restaurant staff seemed very anxious and was afraid immigration, I was very disagreeable and I could not do Immigration is necessary to hide what the three of us as perfectly legal, say, three years in Nigeria, what storms have not seen A.
but still listen to their suggestions, climbed the roof, the first such embarrassed, clothes, trousers, shoes were full of black oil, because next to the kitchen chimney. on to the roof, everyone put your cellphone on vibrate. hiding in the dark and listen to the voices downstairs, the hot pot rental subsidiary in Ikeja Palace hotel on the first floor, so it is noisy, but the beating of Zamen downstairs heard the sound of people very nervous, I suddenly thought, done, and do so today, so today I planted?
with a door was smashed open and a little bit mysterious heart up, still think that is a near miss, if safe and sound, should be home at night to write a post called , the only fate of the.
After about half an hour, I heard the voice of the iron gate opened, the gates are next to the hotel's gates, and can lead to the roof now, just when I climbed up the roof asked whether the channel opened the gate and escaped from the hotel, was rejected because the key to the iron gate that only black owner of a hotel. iron gate opened,UGG boots cheap, I heard a sound of footsteps, and then we all know, finished. and then heard cries while black, any resistance, because the hands are all black AK47, arranged according to their good compliance and follow down the stairs, black confiscated our cell phones, and we bet the car, plus a restaurant that several people, about a total of 10 to one, sub-seated cars.
Then we were taken to the Immigration Department, Ikeja, the attendant mm hot pot restaurants along the way is still kept saying was that they dragged the three of us, but we also do bad enough Sa , and eat a meal it has also caught, I said I had insisted on, if not to eat, it is estimated will not be dragged my two brothers, Xiao Cao said that if he was not dead lift I went to law firms, but also not to hot pot restaurants, Old Tang said that, if not when he knocked on the door or not adhere to the lengthy consideration Sichuan ranks, it is estimated that we would not eat into the rice, but also are safe to go home early. so much if so many coincidences But everything has happened, so can not occur, and can only be a step by step.
the Immigration Department to Ikeja, we're lucky,cheap UGG boots, because I usually send to the Immigration Department money to send something, it seems very familiar Laotang comrades and head of the environment here. get immigration office when the darkness everywhere, power outages, we were asked to get off the breakdown stand, a black actually said, be careful head do not hit the door, I rely on, when I really have to kill their hearts out.
they had confirmed the number, and then our order taken to a room full of dark, only with a flashlight, just to escape when the pot shops mm also brought a flashlight, it seems that also come in handy, you can tell whether this is a vaguely looks pretty good feng shui courtyard, there are birds, and flowers.
finally we are so to a small room, meeting room should be like, this time is 10.30pm. very surprised that there actually has five Chinese people, and lit candles, a big mess on the table and them the leftovers mineral water bottles, stale air, blowing the mosquitoes. My god, what the hell is this place? Why should we brought here? this place is people can stay up?
pulled with a few black repeatedly told them we were just at that dinner, all of our documents are complete, have a passport, a green card, a record, blacks say, that you give me ah, I said, in the company A, how can I go out to eat running around with a passport? black so that, you get someone to deliver over ah, I am very surprised, you're not our cell phones confiscated it? me how to call. a towering black shoulder and said, do not worry later (late) will be returned to you. and then I find his theory, futile, waste your breath. led blacks to ask, someone will speak English, you have a good rest tonight? I said I would not, he said, are not you just say? I am the root of contempt, he said, I never said you African Black English.
to those few in China before so I said, they should be caught during the day on Wednesday, is building in Nigeria the, until now, the black did not give a statement,UGG boots clearance, nnd, do I have to sleep in it tonight? do it, one man said, do not, to be sure this was tonight.
I want to call for help I want to call someone to help me, how can this place stay.
I borrowed a buddy call broadcast to the company guo leadership, the next he was told the circumstances of this know him well, lifesaver ah must be caught. After a quite a while, the leader said tonight, that head is not only tomorrow morning. I heard, over, how survive the night? my heart scared straight.
black locked the door from the outside, which left a person to sit in that, like guard-like, but also say hello, my friend, how are you? hey, I'm going to explode. Everyone is cursing, this black is too disgraceful, Xintai Hei, and should not be black in this world there should be an earthquake in Nigeria, at least eight, to a big raid, or that China should send a mission to scour, to give off black people, by the Chinese people to rule us, less than 10 years, will build the first 2 to lagos Shanghai. angry a half-day, but also when to blow off steam, and the only way, then I wish a curse to come true, so we can all go home.
Black asked us to the toilet, so we were escorted to the toilet one by one in turn is, using the toilet also requires water will pour from the bucket toilet.
Finally, everyone on the toilet again, the black door with a lock, said you sleep, see you tomorrow, I wish you sweet dreams! I speak, wait for them to rush to stab him.
and everyone you looked at me, I looked at you, are dumbfounded that we lost freedom? This is how a night boil at? no electricity, no air conditioning, no water, no food, no beds, no nothing, just a few chairs, there are a few mattresses onto the floor, the only think is pretty good actually carpeted areas, but do not know that the carpet had not been spreading their black urine. prior to that a few Chinese people that they are together, including a mother and child, the eldest sister's age really can not see, I also later learned that her age, they say over here yesterday, and have been here for one night to sleep, I immediately very impressed, and I said you really powerful, ah, Zhejiang basically are tough to want to do business in this country, it is really hard to eat in pain. People say, do not worry, you can endure a night like.

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