Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Legend of experience (to )

 There are a lot of information

of three cents and three cents outside the historical background to set
a mature role-playing game, not only should the plot, as full screen and so on martial arts, and should have appropriate Game background settings. a role-playing game like a novel, although the shape the characters, the plot unfolding is necessary, but it aptly describes the environment as people feel able to further set off for the smooth commencement of the plot greatly assist . In this paper, the Sword series of games, for example, focuses on three cents and three cents, but to discuss the background of the selected game relationship with the game.
I, III and Legend of Sword and the occurrence of three-time rumors of the story < br> first informed my research: the Northern Song Dynasty. The reader is living temporarily restrain curiosity, so I am going to be carried out preparatory work in order to reach this conclusion.
⑴ significance of the study must first be clear of
significance. Otherwise, I do not have motivation to write anymore, and below will also be a bunch of nonsense.
originally I was told that the Legend of the background is a chaotic time and space to study the historical background of Sword and meaningless place. At first I agree with this view, but now I have changed my mind. I think the Legend of the space-time background, albeit confusing, but it is not no research value. Legend, after all, not a various stages that a mix of historical figures set directly. To increase the authenticity of a certain (China has such a long and rich history, making a Chinese-style role-playing game, not some historical background of pity), Legend can to a historical period as the blueprint, then add mythology (which is three cents and three cents for the outside world view embodied in), so as to constitute a complete game background, virtual reality. So, the virtual Certainty and Reality in the You may not agree with this show, is heard, please correct me if wrong). first thing to say is that fairy drama production team even after the Daewoo authorization, and access to relevant information on the game, but after all, they have created TV series, not the game. Literature Masterpieces of the drama version would be larger relative to the adaptation of the original Shangqie, then bound to the adaptation of the fairy drama to some extent in contradiction with the game, it is not surprising. Therefore, the immortal words of the play is not enough evidence. As for Why not take one cent, two cents that matter, mentioned the following soon.
So, where to get information from it should be?
answer is unique: the game. (though it seems nonsense, but the above have proved the source of the study? This is based on several considerations.
① the time interval between the two games shorter. according to official data, the first three cents, three cents outside the post for 18 years at three cents, three cents a in cents After 50 years, Sally II in cents one after 8 years. with a graph is the: cents three r18 on r cents three foreign r32 on r cents a r8 of r Sin II. but cents second and cents an interval smaller. So this argument is absolutely not enough.
② three cents and three cents outside the development time later, but generation, second generation follow-up, should be more thoughtful consideration.
③ They are developed with a production team. This is the most realistic considerations.

evidence collection and analysis of material now listed and analyzed. materials are basically three cents outside. the following in accordance with the ① Sword Quest, said, Shushan camp (after the kind of three cents) is in the Southern Dynasty Emperor Wu of attack after the failure of the formation of Shushan .-- Legend (from one to the rumor) occurred in the Southern beam, she was elected dynasties left under the Liang, Chen (Northern omitted), Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties, Song, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing.
② three cents and three cents in the male lead did not remain outside the big queue - not the Qing Dynasty.
③ pretty state, Shi-dong residents to speak and how often you how to Han Chinese - ruled the Central Plains or at least half of China's Han dynasty suspected regime.
④ fairy flying a large map of the three major Sword in the Yangtze River region, Sin Three flights outside the Sword to win a large map of the northern states (not yet under control in the Central Plains) - not just suspected Ming, or win the state should be in areas under the control of Central Plains.
⑤ Shiwei this nation there - a player in accordance with previous research, Shiwei nation should exist in the Northern Wei (corresponding to sound like a beam, Chen) to the Yuan Dynasty.
⑥ naming names (in the same historical period, the official under the control of a the title area should be consistent, unless the merger gun, renamed, etc.) - but that was insufficient, as the title for a region, civil and official may be inconsistent. so this section should not be overly dependent, for reference only. < br> ⑦ capital position and construction - the south bank of the Yellow River, the phase within the Temple, the location should be in Kaifeng. the city has a bridge, and a more detailed and authoritative information, see the 27th floor.
⑧ guns appear (policy led the army to attack Shushan Wen) - after the Song. the invention of gunpowder during the Tang Dynasty and spears (originally recruited by Perak Tong Xiao Lei day is such items as research. but he said time or not contradictory), the Northern Song Dynasty had the ability to manufacture artillery (although the Ming Dynasty The Mongols also used artillery to conquer other cities world-famous). Moreover, temperature is the policy elite forces led by, the assembly of new weapons is reasonable.
⑨ capital has a reader's examination - Sui later. Examination (refer to examination) before in the Sui Dynasty.
⑩ has become dangerous nonsense. > In summary, the text can be the first conclusion: Legend III and Legend of the occurrence of three-time rumored Song story.
Second, how to look at the background of the game?
note that the main meaning of this title is to determine the historical background, which will facilitate the production staff to bring.
First, the characters dress can be determined;
Second, some geographical features can be sure of things (for example, the history of the Yellow River diverted several times to determine the historical period of the Yellow River to be basically determined);
Third, NPC lifestyle, furniture items, daily necessities can be determined;
Fourth, to introduce some historical events (eg, war), increased weight of history;
hh not going to list out.
If you are a casual gamer, this will help you understand some of the story. For example, why the state would win the war because the regime was the rise of ethnic, national contradiction.
However, the above is just a personal conclusion. officials have not released them to set the historical background of the developer (at least I have not heard, so I only do this study) is estimated to be worried about too much emphasis on the historical causes the story was too limited, so do not make. This is my In reality, nothing more to play under the blueprint.
three individuals for election virtual age; It helicopter heaven, people from falling into hell. state relations during the war can not be ignored. Liao War Song War well known. there is war, it is easy to the birth of a hero, which is called absolutely material. The It seems to belong to can not be limited to the territory of China (referring to the border now), can inspire players to The item shop more?!)
technology developed, rich material and cultural life. This is of course relative. the older the history, the more solid precipitation.
There are few other dynasties like the Song case.
four postscript
my purely amateur history buff, also requested that the Department improperly. If you have any comments or suggestions, may wish to discuss (again a reminder: Do not say one cent, two cents, I say the Interested parties can read some other people to
research found that most of the study is the object of a cent. Although cents and cents for a three and three cents an inseparable connection outside, but with a series of works, contradict each other is not surprising. This paper is the study of three cents outside the (so sent to the area), the so-called Bamboo House has left a link)
In addition, the post also a few days ago, 】
the hit TV series Voice of controversy. noise, let us temporarily from those of the Goof eye lens, or those inconsistent with the original adaptation of the plot away, along with visits to bring us this wonderful fairy tale of the game author mmm Yao Zhuang constitution.
1969 constitution Yao Zhuang Born in Taiwan, China, childhood in the countryside, close to nature, his childhood obsessed with grasping
loach, catch frogs, play in a small stream. Though the family has a sister, a sister and a brother, but Yao Zhuang constitution childhood withdrawn and, like a loner. It is because of such experiences, the subconscious Yao Zhuang constitution mapping it in the game, so there will be some that Li mmm this country through the struggle to become heroes of the left hand. Yao Zhuang constitution further revealed a failure of love if not, there will be a game fans lips is the classic story so far.
stealing school money to buy game consoles
Yao Zhuang constitution the beginning of his career, thanks to his high school to earn money secretly bought the game. because of fear of being reprimanded by his family, he can only play when no one home. richness of the game to Yao Zhuang impressed by the constitution, he often found in the heart from the mind of the perfect game set. considered to the family, Yao Zhuang constitution to give up college opportunities to all distinctions into a secondary school, learn to make simple games.
debut, computer begins, to my mind only one thought: I want to write a game. So in learning career, I used the school computer lab to write the numerous small game, because of the mapping software is not developed, in order to do games also to write a graphics software. But the time I play the game instead of less, the other students in the lab is used by computer most of the homework, or playing games, but I write a lot of games around the clock to give students to play. career was in 1989, Yao Zhuang at 20-year-old constitution.
lovelorn frustration born Li Xiao Yao
1993, the Yao, Zhuang constitution made to do, mmm from the script to the program, art, music, all processes have his involvement. br> After the break in the first to write a Song of itself is probably cut it? and Yao Zhuang constitution himself said: Paladin the feelings of their hearts, Yao Zhuang charming bride was originally one of Gazette's staff, once frustrated, halt the year before the impact of online games, TV version of The two starring Hu Ge and Liu Yifei.
The role of Happy turns you out of Nicholas Tse, Jimmy Lin, and stars such as Vic audition, and ultimately, Shushan Yao Zhuang constitution disciples playing extras found in Hu Ge, handpicked him as the male lead. Facts have proved that TV version of so game fans the satisfaction of actors and the game is quite similar, handsome style is very much like opera Hu Li Xiao Yao, but was only their second year of Hu Ge said: Fairy, 』『 re-building with the magic 』General for the conflict between labor and often fight, has been a close call, meaning they increasingly are sympathetic. re-building and the plants grown in their own proposal to found a new Once upon a time in the duel, a more the abilities of Erigeron days because of rules and the spirit world hesitation, finally agreed to withstand the temptation of re-building.
two evenly matched, a test of protracted and ultimately alerted the heaven, the Emperor sent troops to condemn the capture of Erigeron, canadensis because of perceived distracted by approaching from behind, knocked saber was re-building human and lost hh
Erigeron vindictive spirit world was banished man, after many reborn as Yuzhou Xin Tang Men Sedum 』『 man pawn shop. Meanwhile, re-building from the Devil spy world, happened to find the reincarnation of such a humble ordinary Erigeron, read the want to help move the hearts of Sedum, then came to earth, nuisance Shushan, want to help Erigeron sword back, accidentally destroyed Suoyao Ta , happens to get the plants grown in the world the first world countries Ginger Prince mm Longyang 』『 Shadowbane refining cast.
Shadowbane Sedum get the same time, made the acquaintance of Miss Tang Men 』『 Xuejian, her life changed forever . a family began to be involved in several non Tang Men and breaking internal struggle and the struggle among the Church, and then abandoned only encountered Shushan and his fiancee 『』 『Zhang Qing Xuan』 Purple embarked on to help find five-Ling Zhu Shushan , seal Suoyao Ta the long journey. has been hidden in Shadowbane embodiment of the ghost out, turned out to be the sister of Sedum Past Longyang 』『 nigrum. a few people love entanglements, death repeatedly intertwined entangled hsuehchien bizarre life experience, purple Xuan dark secret, Solanum nigrum hearts desire has long been associated with human-hh dead demon world struggle to survive death, but in fact people's desire, is the origin of all disputes.

when Wuling Heaven and Earth in a ; aggregate of Pangu body's The spiritual power of water is broken down into 『』, 『』 fire, thunder 『』, 『wind』, 『』 soil, ties.
not old fool God, heaven and earth there have been aggregated to form a new spiritual power of God, because God is the kind of clear air, clear air between heaven and earth wins the aggregate of failure to maintain the balance between heaven and earth was broken away from the voicing, farther and farther away from land so days, and there out of the earth and soaring trend, so that day will not be able to absorb the spirit of power, heaven a crisis of energy supply, the spirit world to repeat the mistakes of Pangu. Thus, the spirit world for the Spirit the strongest known as the away from the earth. to the spirit world to continue to receive spiritual power from the supply of land, and the result is spiritual power were Ling Zhu absorbed by the earth itself, the excessive consumption of spiritual power tends to collapse. San Juan had also Lingzhu in the Land of to make it sustain the earth's shape. However, the spiritual power has been gathered, the original face of the earth balance, which was originally the land of picturesque everywhere, suffering Lingzhu Land of effect, and some cold and some places where heat, water, fire disasters often occur.
Wuling ring relative to g, endless, constitute a source of power between heaven and earth.
six circles of going toward the dark moon
, cicada mantis I do not know the Spring and Autumn, mortal Yang Guan Heaven I do not know your body inside. the so-called world, far from the reach of mortal eye could see one side of a circle. before God sector, insufficient for the immortal gods, who fell for the magic lost. God into the mundane world, who made the Sky and open up world , deified as the demon of all things, the five circles for the ghost lives quiescence.
the spirit world of Pangu physical collapse due to the formation of the spirit world, living in days, divided into the sanctuary for four days, four Brahma, colorless community for four days, eighteen days colored circles, Yujie six days a total of thirty six. God to survive in the meantime, no body no desire, has eternal life.
do not die, old, men and women of the points without Nannvzhishi , under the strict no warmth at all levels. endless distraction of life is difficult, there are always crazy men Rouge of the North broke through imprisonment, all for the love and discard, chic world. It is said that even the supreme master of the spirit world, hh
following a period of past Devil 』『
and diametrically opposed Devil spirit world, spirit world exists in parallel to the sky and the anti-world, space and time confusion, the connected. magic to survive in the meantime, no order, no goal, no desire and no do not want to.
without thinking not want no desire, no life without death disorder. capricious as the devil, and occasionally because of long-term coexistence and the gradual enlightenment because the unexpected touch and insight, I learned a little bit of human emotion, even if do not understand what it is, but dedication to want to have. So, the magic is not magic hh
Once upon a land of mountains located in the rooms, including ten Cave, xxxvi small cave heavens Seventy blessed. cents from human practice is a necessary into the way of God, long life and have to do, there is the infinite body.
hovering population between man and God, in the face of Yang Mi high spirit world, do not know how many years to go through a long practice to get to, do not know whether to reach, overlooking Miaoxiao human Souls, but also give up his many years of repair. cautious, conservative, and not worry about the outcome completely, can we truly do not know when to act by their own original mind, and not be worried other.
demon world practice can become a demon beast vegetation, the surface of the earth, ghosts community, and the Devil has to survive Once upon a time, there is no order and dispersed, there is the traditional law of the jungle. but in fact the real demon world, it seems hidden in Shushan!
the beasts of the original vegetation ignorant, because sudden inspiration or by chance and turned into a demon. is always different number, not to accept the original kind, not the people, with people always tragic results, so he and the people as enemies, so there is Shushan, with Suoyao Ta, ordinary people in the population was removed with the immortal legend of fox sperm Huayao.
who live in the land sector, the Goddess made, life is short, a national, social system, moral constraints.
the most extraordinary and most unusual group, after a period of strife and killing other people, is one end of the peace without war. I wonder whether the other six sectors, to arrogantly Souls seal themselves as the first. The so-called ghosts, and do not believe in the letter pass between a gossip. the only disdain for six community is love and care, but just on the soft, the feeling of all things visible carry on!
reincarnation ghost sector terminus and starting point, there within the earth, including a gate of hell, a Dong Nai River, six official Cao, Yan Luodian ten, twelve Division official, eighteen layers of hell.
dead man the devil enter into the cycle of the six sector. This is terminus of life, but also the starting point of life. How many people holding a cavity from blood loss, and how many are not willing to only overtaken by a Review. too athletic, drink Mengpo Tang, six cycle of crying followed by The First grievances , whose son stone, also carved a deep, write down the debt had the feeling also of hh
-----< br> > that music, in the Chinese game, doing the best is the can still hear the One of the characteristics that many players today can still recite
Fairy Magic battle of wits past lives dream, Jiandanqinxin present Union.
Romance disputes cycle down, chivalrous tenderness in touching.
signature poems read strike, the next in the bow began to speak!
Legend I wrote a poem of the word record, the quality also flat. this must not repeat the same mistakes, so I began very early in gestation and preparation.
comes to writing poetry, I'm very much at home, but my personality is not favorite verses or quatrains neat parallelism, word most agreeable to me! relatively large degree of freedom, Zhang Duanju the scattered more rhythm, and different Cipai naturally have different emotional, used to set off the most appropriate to the circumstances.
While the decision by the word-based, but the poem and ultimately to the occasion, first to a Qilu, talk about the context of the entire game.
vast Shushan seek Oz, sword too hard Weile Qing.
thousands Xiao contained under the same dream, and death were Yuanyan enduring alliance.
Yi Yong rivers and lakes meet early, want to return to the shadows of the world total.
Haikushilan heart does not give up, swear to make the situation day ghost scared.
trying to think of international, pop up a mind, , chaotic corner of the sky, Weak water road three thousand. but also because sentences show, Italian Lau, the light will immediately dream of falling into the melancholy side of the body. to one of the four out, just a good poem:
Feiqiong fairy passengers off the old Taoyuan wrong.
chaotic corner of the sky, Weak water road three thousand.
a lot about thousand, only drink poured. like a thousand years ago the ancient specifically for
cardamom term workers
abundant natural requirements better. First of all hosts to the word spectrum, not only in words in strict accordance with Cipai asked to write, in the antithesis, with the rhyme Oblique will strive to achieve meticulous. chosen to use rhyme, in order to read fluently and the majority of players receiving care level, but not used in accordance with this rhyme rhyme.
Cipai also try to never repeat: v. Passions, Yi Jianmei, Yaner Mei, Song of Picking Mulberries, Ye Golden Gate, Royal Street line, should be like a male grass hh string of pearls falling into a jade plate. noticed? Cipai we choose names are three words, which is to and the , the name of the seven chapters are: charming love, sparse wind, hazy fog, snow, sad, bleak frost, rain Lost Souls, transfer rainbow. As to why the name of all sections with climate terms, it is because the names of the protagonists are from plants, ah! plant corresponding changes in the weather, not more Huazipiaoling, impermanence of life you sad?
start of the game, actor and actress Tang hsuehchien Sedum in the scenario of a very special meet Two people not only have physical contact accidents, Sedum also Xuejian injury, the state of mind at this time I am afraid the only Sedum first .
front adjourned new song, heart intentional, love without hurt.
rivers and lakes far away, blue sky a long way vast.
like having the taste, feeling more pregnant, unlimited consider.
words compared to poetry, there would be less binding, more than a hint of mood, is more suitable for the performance of delicate feelings and psychological changes. Therefore, in three generations, those who have missed the highlight of the performance of emotional words set off, so the the atmosphere, just like Lanshe the fragrance, rich and dense to distribute it.
composing poems and couplets, as it always is accompanied by the line, three generations of no exception. Before introduced three generations in all the stores have different The name and origin. as shops, of course, as Dr. Asahara couplets, the game has a lot of Chinese people Ascot, ordinary houses in the pictures and interesting couplet is found everywhere.
between the words of the northwest city of Yuzhou Happy Inn : The boss is Li Lan, the inn is not in Yuhang, in the end do what the inside story? we played the game to know.
Leizhou restaurant, long pieces together, is written:
drunk wine and food, the laughter is also true, to say truth, exposing the real machine, it will take a few minutes Xianqi;
cents to Xiu, the days of Coke to Coke get to the fun, more than just a Liquormania.
everyone is giving rise to the :
Citylink value of the clean sword; dumping money clouds sword the country.
we all know that the next generation of the right place, it is very neat and appropriateness. also some changes after three to five words, suddenly became a single couplet from the general as the reflects our music so that everyone aftertaste for many years, with Taiwan's production team, but we also do a good job within the team most prepared. First, the application of 3D audio technology, based on sound given the location and distance of objects, sounds have different volume and direction of this, and fills the whole background music scene that will not conflict.-house production of sound is also better, and beautiful music in order to better match.
set to music is my biggest headache planning the work, because I was almost a tone-deaf not only the lack of musical knowledge, and almost no memory of the melody. Fortunately, Zhang Yijun, director in charge of my very good at music, but also a planning background, so a lot of work in this area to be dealt with by him.
Zhang Yijun, director of help The work is mainly done in my style of text setting and art scene, finding the right melody or orchestration of the reference music, music production available to the group reference. After all, relative to the wonderful music, the text becomes pale and poor, while reference to music is a bridge between the two sides, and is the most intuitive image of the Oh! but the process is working very hard and boring, need large amounts of data in the selection, it is difficult to choose the conditions encountered need everyone to participate in the discussion or vote.
specific to the music production staff, a total of four, who have specialized, are abundant experience in the production of senior musicians. First of all, I will introduce the godfather of Taiwan Province, Mr. Zhou Zhihua MIDI community, he is a professional The music master works include advertising, drama, games, animation, music and live performances, pop music composer, arranger and other aspects, only the TV series had more than 60 works of music, and television programs and documentaries in Japan, some of master of music also from the hands of weeks, with Japan NHK The first album produced dozens more too numerous to mention.

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